Every week or so, I look back through the photos of Second Life dance performance that I’ve posted on Flickr.
Sometimes, I smile.
Sometimes, I wince.
And then there’s the times... well... you know...
I like to call this portion of our trip: Don’t Make Me Call The Dance Police.

Kinda like the cover of Omni Magazine.

I hope you remembered to tip the driver.

This is a scene from Mortal Kombat, the Musical, right?

Spoilers from the new Star Trek: Discovery. Rawr.

Forget Mickey Spillaine... I want to hire HER!

No joke here... I just feel proud of myself for catching the jump.

And now, Miss Scotland.

The call is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!

She's so fabulous, she has underlings for furniture.

Keep shaking her until the wallet she stole falls out!

Kinda looks like the Houston Texans secondary right as Brady ripped them apart for the win.

Uh oh... Elayn's calling me out!


Hope may be the thing with feathers, but we killed it and made this dress.

Once again, we do not want to make Diawa angry. Mr McGee, you wouldn't like her when she's angry.

In SL, everybody eventually works the pole. Even Misse.

You do not want a job rigging the lighting when this act comes on.

Toys 4: The Toys' Revenge

I'll just skip this one. I do not want to get cut.

What are my other two wishes? Um... well, I don't think I really need them now.

Anybody need a group invite to this club?

Phantom of the Opera, Noir Style

To cut down on paying the actors, they don't use blanks.

Yes. Yes it will. And I think it has.

Now this is how you sell a car!

I don't think you're supposed to take that song literally.

Are you with UPS, because you're right on time for delivering a package!


Is this one of those Mighty Morphing Power Rangers things?

The first step is to acknowledge that you have a problem.

I just gotta ask... who does your hair?

Refreshments are in the lobby... and on the stage.
Thank you, and stay tuned next Sunday for the next thrilling episode.
"Hey. It's Cave. Someone's not daaaancing. Come on. You know the law - testing IS NOT a dance exemption. Don't make me call the dance police"
- Cave Johnson, Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Expansion Pack.
(My apologies for the delay. The WiFi is a bit slow here. At the Ritz. On the oceanfront. I'm a professional writer who's been put up at the Ritz on the oceanfront. No. Seriously. Whoever I screwed to get this gig, I can't remember who you were or ever doing it, but thank you... thank you... thank you...)