Maybe too many.
Sometimes, I smile.
Sometimes, I wince.
And then there’s the times... well... you know...
I like to call this portion of our trip:
Don’t Make Me Call The Dance Police.


You don;t know how hard it is to get a Conceled Carry license for a trident.

I feel sorry for the bird she landed on.

Al Sharpton, ladies and gentlemen. The Reverend of Dance.

Where are you on Angie's list?

(As if you needed reminding)

Never put lighter fluid in a girl's inhaler.

New Age Mime

Somebody needs to convert to MP3.


When the stream breaks, turn on the boombox, right?

This is why you should always wear a life vest.

And this is why the airlines turn down requests for "companion elephants."

Dang it, what's the command for wireframe again?

Ever Uber for an XL and gotten a dragon instead?

Rule #34

Bunny break.

Did I already do the "Misse telekenetically hurls her dancers at the audience' joke?

Count the ca- ... eh, nah. Too easy.

I had to call AAA to get my tank towed.

I'm photographing me photographing a dance routine. So meta.

Yes, it's true. Debauche all retired and joined a convent. ... naughty convent!

What... in... the...

I tried to help her change her outfit for Daylight Savings Time and I got slapped.

... how a little bit of one on one? Or, if you're not up to it, some basketball?

... okay, why is that thing there?

Don't fear the... reapers?

Not just for dances at After Dark, folks.

When I get out of line, the mechanic shows up and threatens to give me an adjustment.

It's cold out. You should wear more. Um... I can't believe I just said that.

Due to a typo, all Lucky Chairs on the grid became Lucky Chains.

Hey that's my pervy cam! Oh, wait... not mine. Never mind.

I got kinda busy last week, so I hired an assistant to do Dance Police this week.

Sssshhhhhhhh. Bri's napping.

The champagne bottle was so big, the cork blasted a hole in the roof.

At first, I thought "Those are some weird feather fans" and then realized those were plants.

Oh, you're just going to leave clothes all over and not pick up> What, were you raised in a barn?

The dancers misheard me when I said I wanted to get into their pants.

How many Club Image performers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. They use candles.

Hug it out... hug it out... hug it out.

When you've been on Second Life too long, log off and get up and stretch.

Lynxa's recruiting dance partners.

pssst. Web. (PIANO!)
Thank you, and stay tuned next Sunday for the next thrilling episode.
"Hey. It's Cave. Someone's not daaaancing. Come on. You know the law - testing IS NOT a dance exemption. Don't make me call the dance police"
- Cave Johnson, Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Expansion Pack.