Please join us Saturday evening, December 16TH at 6pm for our performance at the Phoenix Theater. After the show, we will have the pleasure of having DJ Vlad Drakul-Dragonash playing some music for us in our winter gazebo from 7pm to 9pm.
Taxi to the Show!
The night will be filled with some very talented dancers, directors and choreographers who will take music and turn it into life with dance. We will also have some very talented guests as part of our show this week.... Nara and Eva Harley.
The directors of the night will be:
* SouthernComfort Magic
* Vanity Black
* Zach & Ame Starostin
* JP Damien
* Fafnir Kiranov
* Ray Lobo
* Caranora Bravin
* Lily Pussycat
Dancers will be:
* Tray Porthos
* Zenith Zifer
* Fuku Amaterasu
* Nadi Zsun
* Kyser Mynx