So... many... photos...
Too... many... photos...
Six shows today. I shot SIX shows today.
Sometimes, I smile.
Sometimes, I wince.
And then there’s the times... well... you know...
I like to call this portion of our trip: Don’t Make Me Call The Dance Police.

The second Little Dance Group built their house out of wood...

New Premium Benefit: Height sliders that go to 500.

Santa's on his own Naughty List.

Well, ain't that a kick in the head?

pssst. web. (piano)

The only five Russians not to talk to General Flynn after the election.

You know, a can of D-Con would work just as effectively.

Windup bunnies! Yay!

Misse's telekenetic powers grow as she hurls audience members with facelights out of the theater...

I like to go in disguise sometimes.

I never understood Little Drummer Boy. It's like, there's a newborn baby, right? And there's some kid out there banging on a drum? It's hard enough to get a baby to sleep, but with all that racket? I mean, play a nice flute, or strum a lyre... but banging on a drum? That's just mean. Imagine, banging on that drum, keeping the Baby Jesus awake, and then when you die and go to Heaven, Jesus is like "Ahem, Pete, let me take this one... so, while I was trying to sleep, you were banging on a drum, huh? Well, well, well..."
By the way...

Doesn't that look like a pack of dinosaurs or godzillas bursting from the ground to attack the manger?

This is how they make Mike's Hard Cider... lovingly picked by bunnies.

psst. web. (piano)

Time Out... need a quick drink.

Does this count as Formal Attire?

Circe du Soleil's "Stephen King's It"

Some people will do anything to get a cat out of their chair.


... Sexy Scrooge!

psst. web. (piano)

Bake your own chesspieces!

In the Victorian Era, cryogenics was not so advanced...

... nah, Diawa will kill me.

Where do all your tips end up?

Who is this guy calling?


Deleted Scene from Amadeus: Mozart rents himself out as a music box figurine.

Babypea shares her new breedable WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE!?!?!

A broken SL mirror is 7 years of bad lag.

... what if I don't want to say Geronimo?

If you're buying books that big, you really ought to get the kid's eyes checked.

Santa says you can pull his sleigh any time you want.

Deep in the bowels of Linden Lab, a technician hears the alarm and runs to the Lag Generator to make sure that another performance is ruined by rubberbanding and slow texture loads.

You're still using Windows 7?

Boning on stage? That's just rude!


WOW! That's a real nutcracker!
(For the record, there's probably something wrong about someone seeing THREE versions of the Nutcracker in one day... especially when they're Jewish. OY VEH!)

Don't you hate it when you're almost done with a routine and you're still building the set when the director calls for the curtain to be raised?

It's a sad thing when a kid comes across a dead character in Disneyland... don't they have trackers on those things?


Uh oh... I must have butt-dialed the Dance Police.

Bento Hands Up! Don't Shoot! Bento Hands Up! Don't Shoot!

Tell my boss I'll be late to work tomorrow, okay?
Thank you, and stay tuned next Sunday for the next thrilling episode.
"Hey. It's Cave. Someone's not daaaancing. Come on. You know the law - testing IS NOT a dance exemption. Don't make me call the dance police"
- Cave Johnson, Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Expansion Pack.