Sometimes, I smile. Sometimes, I wince.
And then there’s the times... well... you know...
I like to call this portion of our trip: Don’t Make Me Call The Dance Police.

How many dancers does it take to screw in a light bulb? Five.

If you pop a stitch, use a clean needle. Sharing needles with creepy cemetery dollies will get you a bug.

After conquering Paris, Hitler liked to dress up in drag and do backflips under the Eiffel Tower.

I just like saying "Willo's Weenie Wagon."

It seems that Lynxa goes through partners on a weekly basis.

Did a zoo explode?

Keith Moon: The Early Years

"Who triggered the damn fire sprinklers?"

Mer... MAN!!!!!

I wish my bus stop was this cool. Last time I was there, a bum had vomited on half a burrito plate.


Ketchup vs. Mustard: The Final Battle

I want this in my front yard. (The jockey gets me hatemail for some reason.)

The piano tuner is here.

Sunday Morning Astronomy Lessons

Nothing like a pagan summoning ritual to bring in the crowds.

FACT: Interstate 42 is the Freeway Of Love. If the hairpin turns don't kill you, the dancers will.

Obligatory butt shot.

Nice murdering, but you know I'm shooting pictures, right?

They're raising the flag. (Unlike the NFL, who wants to lower it and burn it.)

Letti learns the spell Fire Whip

Larah's still working on it.

Ahem... ahem... you do know the routine's still going, right?

Still waiting... waiting...

Kinda like Henry Gibson on Laugh In. Except hotter. Way hotter.

Welcome to Heaven. Just go up these stairs. Up these stairs... Up... okay, you can just stand there and stare.

The garden shows on Czech TV are weird.

Ask about the arrow, and you get smacked.

Halfway through GB, Sho goes for a smoke. And forgets her cigarettes. And locks herself out.

Um, what are you feeling exactly?

Today's Forecast: A lot of fire!

It's important to stretch every muscle before performing. Including the tongue.

That's one big goddamned drink, man. (I'll take two.)

Purple... gas... choking... me...

No, Devlin, seriously. You can leave your hat on.

Yes, all of these hats are on sale. And they were blocked by Devlin.

Yes, I see a George the Pirate story coming from this one.

Ms. Pac Man's gotten so weird these days.

Nothing says style like dancing on a wad of sour cream. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

Now THIS is how you sell a mattress!

The bathrooms at the Ritz-Calrton were so fancy! Just like this!

So, Dancing Metaharper was missing from Idle Rogue for a while, and I just wanted to explain why. She was paying me a visit on Edloe. Nothing wrong with that. Totally innocent.

Okay! well, I guess that'll clear her animation cache!
(How the hell did that get into the roll?) That's enough for this week!
Thank you, and stay tuned next Sunday for the next thrilling episode.
"Hey. It's Cave. Someone's not daaaancing. Come on. You know the law - testing IS NOT a dance exemption. Don't make me call the dance police"
- Cave Johnson, Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Expansion Pack.
(So, who wants to do a Caption Contest? Prizes! Rules! Let's see a show of hands!)