Sometimes, I smile.
Sometimes, I wince.
And then there’s the times... well... you know...
I like to call this portion of our trip:
Don’t Make Me Call The Dance Police.

Not a lot of shots this week. Sorry.

Click... click... click... I'm not dancing yet!

Welcome to Poseball Jail.

Pitching a tent under the big top, are we?

It's like the proposals at the ballgame, except she says Yes instead of saying No and throwing a ten-dollar beer in his face.

The Hulk went on a diet.

"If this is a nutcracker, where are his nu-"
"Um, how about a pony instead?"

Never leave food on the stage.

I'm trying to make a Mice + ISIS joke here... Miceis? Too soon?

Check their artistic licenses, officer!

I bet her drycleaning bills are a bitch.

... what is that man doing to the jukebox?

Turning over a new leaf for the New Year?

Ah, yes. Arkhamesh Alysum. Where they put the hardest repeat offenders.

I'd like a two-piece flamingo meal, coleslaw and a biscuit... in fact, let me catch that one out there.

It's not that he holds his hand over the candle flame, but he does it so dramatically.

Register to vote, or this man will menace you until you do.

pssst. Web. (piano)

This is why you remove scripted items before a show... they may just dance on their own.
(there's one I can't post here because... well... NSFW.)

Oh, she is most certainly not XY...

Call tech support!

Yes. Yes, you are. (I know I've done this joke before. But, seriously. Very sweet.)

... yeah, you know this one by now.

I know that vinyl is making a comeback, but do try to keep the dust and tiny dancers off of the records for durability's sake?

Um... must be someone else. I'm just a photographer, you know.
Thank you, and stay tuned next Sunday for the next thrilling episode.
"Hey. It's Cave. Someone's not daaaancing. Come on. You know the law - testing IS NOT a dance exemption. Don't make me call the dance police"
- Cave Johnson, Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Expansion Pack.