No, I'm not a performer. But I've been known to hop on a stand for a Club Image or Elysium Cabaret group dance.
In a bright sunny happy pastel world, I wear black.
When I wear my Bax boots, they have built-in ankle locks. And they work, but that adds script load to the sim. If I remove scripts from my clothes and hair to reduce load on the sim, because I actually listen to the preflight announcement before shows and get guiltshamed into it, I end up loose-ankled.
When I wear my Agata Gail boots, I have to remember to add the ankle lock to that outfit, or I get at least one IM telling me to put them on. But if the region is overloaded, the script doesn't kick in, or the priority on the ankle lock is less than the priority on the dance... fail.
And I can't remember how many performances where someone IM-whispers about a performer's ankle locks. (Of all the pairs of things to be looking at, "ankles"doesn't break the top five.)
<seinfeld>What's the deal with ankle locks?</seinfeld>