Sometimes, I smile. Sometimes, I wince. And then there’s the times... well... you know...
I like to call this portion of our trip: Don’t Make Me Call The Dance Police.

This is why I never sit in the front row.

Even the wall is sexy.

Debauche Secret #10: Laura is solar-powered.

Let's play Hide and Seek!

Remember A Christmas Story? I hope those poles aren't cold.

This week on Dirty and Sweet, Dirty and Sweet go undercover in a burlesque show to break up an international drug cartel... coming up right after 60 Minutes!

I know that in SL, we're all oversized, but she can PALM THE FRICKIN MOON!

Man, I hope they have dental coverage.

Too much garlic in the spaghetti sauce?

If you can't afford a tip, tea will do.

... I thought that Second Life was mostly Liberal and hostile to Conservatives.

I hope she doesn't pick her nose.

The only thing worse than a broken bulb in your string of lights is a broken snowglobe.

Um... I think I'll have ham for Thanksgiving this year.

The sad part is, these guys could take the Cleveland Browns.

I hear the USSR will be open sooooooooon...

This is why I want to be cremated.


Now THAT'S a lucky chair!

Well, hit Control-Shift-H and that'll solve it.

Reminds me of my sixth birthday party.
Thank you, and stay tuned next Sunday for the next thrilling episode.
"Hey. It's Cave. Someone's not daaaancing. Come on. You know the law - testing IS NOT a dance exemption. Don't make me call the dance police"
- Cave Johnson, Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Expansion Pack.