Sometimes, I smile.
Sometimes, I wince.
And then there’s the times... well... you know...
I like to call this portion of our trip: Don’t Make Me Call The Dance Police.

OH COME ON! It's not even Thanksgiving yet!


It takes special skill to walk in heels on the sand.

I thought we sprayed for dragons?

Sometimes, perspective gets a little... off.

When Lina wants to shoot hoops, you say "Yes, ma'am."

I told you not to make me call the dance police. Enjoy dance prison! (Hire a better dance lawyer next time.)

Dang. Forgot to turn off wireframe again.

This is not a backdrop. Sasha is actually 10 storeys tall.

Okay, that's a backdrop.


At least the carrots are on their faces.

I like DC's reboot of The Penguin. A lot.

Oh, no. You don't get to sneak away until you've done the dishes!

I imagine this every time I swear or say something naughty here.

"Hello, I'm Captain Safety. You'll notice there are no emergency exits in this theatre. That's because you can just log off and you'll be safe. Duh."

Not dancing this week. Too hung over.

It's all fun and games until...

This is what Superman sees every day.

I'd tap that ass... for the maple syrup, mind you.


Literally, hot chicks.

What would you name this new Marvel superhero?

Pardon me. Taking a moment. ... ... ... ... okay, I'm back.

What if Burl Ives did acid?

No wonder why Second Life is so fragile today... or is it fra-gee-lay?

Even Optimus Prime gets dance gigs in between Michael Bay movies.

It's like an R-rated version of Gauntlet.

Batman's busy. This city belongs to Laura now.

Still playing hide and seek?

Oh, come on. No need to worship me. They're just photos.

Uh oh. Check the breaker. There's a short in the system. (Always wear rubber-soled heels)

Why is it they depict the gates of Heaven, but never the Fence or Wall of Heaven?

... amateur!

Cypher was right. Ignorance is bliss... put me back in the Matrix!

This is how I imagine my funeral.

Have I mentioned how much I love my job?

If this is what an invasion from Mars looks like, let me be the first to welcome our Martian overlords.

You're supposed to have a great slate of acts, not a great act of slates!

Yes. Paul shoots music from his fingers.


Um... that hedge needs some Miracle Gro... or Viagara.

Nice ass.


Always check for an invisible prim blocking the stage before you leap for a crowd surf.

Never hire a taxi. Uber and Lyft don't have people dancing on their cars.

Um... this isn't from a dance photo... it's from... um... NEXT SLIDE! NEXT SLIDE!

Sigh. Never throw out your dancers. Always recycle them.
(My original joke had to do with Oscar, Sesame Street, and... okay, maybe it never quite came together. Sorry.)

You don't have to tell me twice to follow that Yellow Brick Road.
When you're on the road too long, the mudflaps on trucks start to come to life.
Thank you, and stay tuned next Sunday for the next thrilling episode.
"Hey. It's Cave. Someone's not daaaancing. Come on. You know the law - testing IS NOT a dance exemption. Don't make me call the dance police"
- Cave Johnson, Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative Expansion Pack.