Saturday, November 20, 2021



Club IMAGE open this Sunday

♥**♥ CLUB IMAGE ♥**♥
Come and join us!

OPEN: 5:30 AM SLT (PST)  / 22:30 JST
START: 6:00 AM SLT (PST)/ 23:00 JST

22:30 開場、23:00 開幕 JST

...... ♥ * Line up for this Sunday*♥.......

◆ Program ◆
1. Layra Bulmer "メルジーナ MELUSINA"
2. Diawa Bellic "Good Thymes" with Raldcat
3. Setsuna Hirano "La Justice”
4. Sakuya Lazuli " Red”
5. Sakura "STARTUP" with Diawa & Raldcat
★Team dance: Setsuna Hirano "STAR TRAIN"

DJ: Fairytale Stoop


taxi 🚖