Saturday, August 3, 2024

Seb and Jo Walk of Fame


The Dance Queens Walk of Fame is a new ongoing project with the goal of preserving the names of the PEOPLE who contribute to virtual dance creation in Second Life.  Those Who Share.  The creative and dedicated minds with the passion in their souls to spend countless hours and lindens on bringing to the stage imaginative journeys to share with other people.  Today, it was most special to see Sebastain Bourne and Jo Balogh, partners in Second Life and legends in virtual dance, dance their way into history by performing a very special show on the Zhaza Zerbino stage at the Dance Queens sim.

Here is some information about these two performers.  Get to know them better!  We are all a part of the same dance community.  Congratulations Seb and Jo, and thank you for participating and sharing peeks into your souls!

Sebastain Bourne

1. How and when did you find Second Life? 
Seb did a lot of beta testing of new games before SL was opened.  He hung out in a virtual world called  Hearing about a new virtual world called Second Life he decided to beta test it as well. He actually started in SL in 2003.

2. How and when did you discover virtual dance? 
Initially, Seb explored role-playing in Gor and some urban sims before moving on to dancing at clubs for tips. In 2013, his friend Storm invited him to check out a dance group that needed more male dancers. This sparked Seb's long-standing love of stage dance. Seb started dancing with the Itz Girlz and Fellaz dance team. He choreographed his first stage dance to a mashup of "Coin Operated Boy" and "Barbie Girl" in 2014. Since then, he has choreographed hundreds of dances and performed with many dance teams.

3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite dances that you have ever created: 
Glitter is at the top of my list.  Then Dive in the water, Dreams are Made of This, Hurricane, and more recently I'm Just Ken.

4.  Did you have any mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to? 
BabyPea (early days of Elysium), Ayita and Maia (DOL Dance Classes), Dragon McMasters (La Oro Dance Team), and Windsong Charming (Itz Girlz and Fellaz)

5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation? 
The creativity the absolute incredible ability to create something so amazing and for a fair price considering what some hobbies cost. 

6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance creation? 
The timing mathematics and waypoint placements.

7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to virtual dance? 
Take it slow, learn one new thing in each dance that you do.  Never compare yourself to others.  I know that is easier said than done.

8. If you have your own dance troupe, please tell a little bit about it, and its history. 
I own Men In Motion, it's an all male dance team, founded in 2015. Men In Motion aims to showcase the diverse dance skills and abilities of men from various dance groups across the grid. MIM hosts quarterly shows in February, May, August, and November, and organizes a winter gala in December as a way to thank their fans for their support throughout the year. Additionally, they support various causes and charities, performing shows for events such as Autism Awareness, Pride, Suicide, and other charitable initiatives. MIM will be celebrating 10 years in 2025.

I am also an officer of the Phoenix dance team since it's origin in 2015.

9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have. 
Chinese food and coffee. I have a black cat named Thakery Binx and a new black pug puppy named Phookah.  My old buddy a pug mix named Boo, passed last May at 13 yrs old.

10. What activities other than dance do you enjoy? 
Seb enjoys designing. Seb primarily uses his design skills to create many of the costumes for his dances. Since 2004, his venture, Wicked Incorporated, has been operating and selling clothing and other items for men, women, children, and Dinkies since 2004.  And he loves hanging out with Jo, they like to go dancing and exploring.

11. Is there anything else you'd like to add? 
He met his SL wife Jo in 2015 chatting in IMs back stage while waiting to go out for dance acts. They eventually got married in 2021. Seb continues to challenge himself with his choreography, designing skills, and charity work.  Look for Seb's creations for many years to come. He would like to thank you all for coming out to enjoy this show and for your kind and generous tips to Dance Queens.

Jo Balogh

1. How and when did you find Second Life? 
Mid 2007, I joined to attend a meeting of an international RL blogger group I belonged to.

2. How and when did you discover virtual dance? 
Toysoldier Thor kept telling me I should go see Guerilla Burlesque where he was a big fan.  I did and got hooked too.

3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite dances that you have ever created: 
Dance of Longing (from Maio's Last Dancer)is probably my favourite plus  La Tasca by Guitarra Azul and  Moon River by Barbra Streisand.  

4.  Did you have any mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to?
I took Dawn of Dance classes given by BabypeaVonPhoenix Bikergrrl and occasional classes from Eva Harley which were very helpful but mostly learned as I went along.

5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation? 
When song, set and choreography all come perfectly together which is a rare thing.

6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance creation?  

7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to virtual dance?  
Have fun above all else and never compare yourself to others.

8. If you have your own dance troupe, please tell a little bit about it, and its history.  
I am co-owner of Moonshadow Dancers.  Five years ago, we grew out of the implosion for various reasons of another troupe, as a group of people who wanted to keep on dancing together.

9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.  
Salmon, green tea and no pets at the moment.

10. What activities other than dance do you enjoy? 
I enjoy the Art Scene in Second Life and photography.  I do have an art gallery but it's a bit neglected since I took up dancing.

11. Is there anything else you'd like to add?  
Who would have thought that I would enjoy a virtual world for seventeen years and still counting?  Amazing!

Please enjoy these pictures of Seb and Jos' STARS in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame!