Friday, August 30, 2024



Saturday 31st August 1pm slt Audience Participation

Debauche Invite you all to dance

 Quite simply its your turn to shine, your turn to step on up and show us how to dance. Just request it and dance it. That's right it really is that  easy

 Fun, fun, fun is order As Debauche invite you to our Summer come  , so please instant message Laura or myself with your requests. See our dances at
Saturday 31st August 1pm slt Audience Participation
 Early requests really do help in running the party smoothly

Thursday, August 29, 2024

WoF: Burlesque Dolls


Dance Queens

Walk of Fame

Presents: Burlesque Dolls

Please join us for a very special event!  Burlesque Dolls will be dancing their way into history by earning their tile in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame!  They will present a show of their favorite acts for our enjoyment.  Please come support them as they dance into posterity!

Tuesday, September 3rd at 5pm SLT

At the Zhaza Zerbino Stage

On the Dance Queens sim

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Sarabande Theater


Sat, Aug 31 @ 11:00 AM SLT

Sarabande Theater
Sarabande presents two modern masterpieces: Debussy's "Jeux" and Stravinsky's "Le Sacre du printemps." These two ballets, which shook the world and changed 20th-century music and dance forever, remain just as assuring, shocking, and compelling to this day.

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Gorean Repertoire Joins The Walk of Fame!

What a wonderful performance this past Saturday, on the Dance Queens ZhaZa Zerbino Stage as the creative hearts of The Gorean Repertoire danced their Walk of Fame.  They not only shared their dance style but their Second Life roleplay culture as well.  It was a passionate look at dance and feelings united as these talented ensemble presented their devoted best.  Here is a closer look at The Gorean Repertoire, have a read and get to know these multi-faceted people better.

The Show

Gor is a fictional world created by author John Norman for his series of science fiction novels known as the Chronicles of Gor. Gor is depicted as a harsh and primitive world, with a society resembling that of ancient civilizations like Rome and Greece. It is characterized by its hierarchical structure; caste system.

Gorean Dance has its roots in the early days of text-based chat rooms. Today, when you watch a Gorean dance performance, you not only experience the music and the dancer's movements but also receive text emotes that immerse you into the story being portrayed. This unique blend of visual, auditory, and textual elements creates a deeper, more immersive emotional experience for the audience.

The Gorean Repertoire: Sometimes I think people are confused by who we are and what we do!  In essence we wanted to create a place where dancers can showcase their passion for Gorean dance in a more contemporary show format. We wanted to combine the show format, large sets, and special effects with the choreography, emotes, and spirit of traditional Gorean dance.

With a rich and diverse repertoire of dances, each performance transports the audience into the heart of Gorean traditions in a 60 minute event.

Gorean Brazilian Dance led by Loba (Izabellywolf Sorbet)

Our first act today is a group that have supported us from day 1 and have become an integral part of The Gorean Repertoire family: Gorean Brazil Dance - A small group of dancing girls from various Portuguese-speaking islands, each unique in their physical characteristics, in the individuality that comes from the region where each body was trained, they respond in mysteries of synchronized movements in a single line, forming this imaginary chain, which fuses them by their slave essence and passion to serve. This is Gorean Brazil Dance, or simply GBD!

Loba is the group's choreographer, and joining her today are Paola, Leena, Esther, Cally, Inaê, Vanilla Cookie, and Eshe. They will perform a Rence Girls dance inspired by the lives of the enslaved Rence girls, who bravely navigate the dangerous waters of the Vosk in search of fish and the precious Rence harvest. Despite their grueling work, these girls never lose their charm or the sweetness in their smiles. At night, they eagerly gather around the fire, dancing to celebrate life and serve their Masters with devotion, expressing gratitude and love through every graceful movement. Imagine the swamp sounds, their laughter, and rhythmic paddling as you’re carried to the heart of their world.

Maia (Fionna Carter)

Our second act comes from Maia, a founder of the Gorean Repertoire. Maia has been involved in Gorean dance since 2007, back when animations were limited and had to be lined up along the top of the screen. Currently an instructor at The Academy of Gorean Dance, she originally created this dance in 2014 for a music challenge where dancers crafted performances to the same piece of music. It was voted one of the most memorable dances that year. While the choreography has stayed the same, the emotes have evolved as Maia has grown more confident in expressing emotion through her writing.  Maia refuses to give any information away but has said to make sure you have some tissues to hand as you might need them!

Ayita (Naybabe)

Our next performer is Ayita Maestra, who has been involved in Gorean Dance since 2013, transitioning from dancer to teacher and judge. Renowned for her expertise in choreography, set design, and Spot On tools, she supports both mainstream and Gorean dancers. Ayita has also served as a DJ for groups like Queens of Burlesque and Moonshadow Dancers and co-founded The Gorean Repertoire.  Today's dance, from the perspective of a Free Woman, draws parallels to medieval women, respected and clothed in robes of concealment, unlike kajirae. Inspired by a 2014 set, it marks Ayita's early work with particles and backdrops. We won’t spoil the story—enjoy the journey!

Babypea (BabypeaVonPhoenix Bikergrrl)

Our fourth act is created by Babypea who will be supported by Maia, Ruby, Nadi and Kira. An award-winning competitive Gorean dancer, Babypea entered mainstream SL performance dance in July 2012.  To date, she has created 50 Gorean dances and 635 mainstream dances.  The friendship and fellowship virtual dance provides is as important to her as the creative expression of this amazing artistic medium.  She co-owns Elysium Cabaret which presents weekly shows on Fridays at 6pm SLT in The Empire Room at Copperhead Road sim.  Elysium also does a matinèe show on the last Saturday of each month at 1pm SLT.  She also is a Special Events Manager and Educator for Dance Queens.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we want to share with you a bit of culture and fun.  We will perform a Gorean 'Net Dance' for you.  This is a dance in which a group of girls capture another girl, in this case from the sea, and somewhat tame her in her new position as captive.  This dance uses 57 different animations.  It is a sensuous, lively dance wrought with meaning, and we hope you will find it interesting.  Please set to midnight to see it as it was intended." 

Lojal (Raven Daxeline)

Our fifth act is created by Lojal.  (she has been offline dealing with RL)

In the marketplace of the Village of Nordlys, a man rolled out an empty, old paga barrel and set a stringed puppet on top of it.  "Masters!  Mistresses!  Children!" he called out.  "For your entertainment and delight come and behold the smallest kajira in Gor perform a beauty dance.  A dance to enchant you all...and if a few copper coins find their way in to my pocket I will be most grateful."

The Gorean Repertoire by Maia and Ayita

Our grand finale today is a heartfelt collaboration between Ayita and Maia. In bringing this performance to life, we wanted to include as many of our talented choreographers and dancers as possible. After exploring several ideas, we hope this final piece reflects the unity and passion of everyone involved. We hope you feel the joy and love that went into creating this dance!

Joining them on stage for this special moment are: Babypea, Cally, Cilla, Eshe, Esther, Ilaria, Inae, Kaeli, Kariss, Kira, Leena, Loba, Lojal, Maddy, Nadi, Paola, Ramius, Rana, Ruby, Safira, Shanni, Vala, Vanilla Cookie, and Wild.

We hope you feel the joy and love that went into creating this performance!

The Interview

1. How and when did your troupe form? 

We came for our first pilot show in March 2024, and well, technically we are not so much a troupe as a venue open to all Gorean dancers. Initially, we were a bit skeptical about the idea’s potential success. However, to our amazement, the response was overwhelmingly positive. This support confirmed that there was a genuine interest in what we wanted to create. Since then, we’ve been hosting monthly shows, with new dancers joining us on stage every month.

2. Where do you usually perform, what is your usual venue?

We realized early on that we needed a dedicated venue where we could have complete control over our events. Having organized numerous Gorean Dance Contests and Exhibitions in various cities, we were well aware of the limitations and restrictions that would come with using a shared space. Currently, our theatre is situated on a quarter-sim, giving us a permanent location where dancers can rehearse in advance without any constraints.  You can find The Gorean Repertoire at:

3. What is your troupe's primary goal in dance?

To create a place where dancers can showcase their passion for Gorean dance in a more contemporary show format. We wanted to combine the show format, large sets, and special effects with the choreography, emotes, and spirit of traditional Gorean dance. With rich and diverse repertoire of dances, each performance transports the audience into the heart of Gorean traditions in a 60 minute event.

4.  What can an audience member expect to see at one of your shows?

Gorean Dance has its roots in the early days of text-based chat rooms. Today, when you watch a Gorean dance performance, you not only experience the music and the dancer's movements but also receive text emotes that immerse you into the story being portrayed. This unique blend of visual, auditory, and textual elements creates a deeper, more immersive emotional experience for the audience.

5. Who owns the troupe and who directs or manages it?

Ayita (naybabe) and Maia (fionna Carter) are the co-founders and active managers of The Gorean Repertoire, with Ramius (ramiusmarco) serving as host.

6. As a Director or Manager, what is your favorite thing about having a troupe?

Creating a professional environment where dancers can showcase their talents.

Nurturing the growth of emerging dancers and guiding them on their artistic journey.

Offering dancers the opportunity to develop elaborate sets if they wish that enhance the stories they wish to tell.

Providing a space for both Ayita and myself (Maia) to perform on our terms, without relying on rare external opportunities.

7. As a Director or Manager, what is your least favorite thing about having a troupe?


8. What directive would you give to someone who wants to join your troupe?

We would encourage those wanting to join Gorean Repertoire to come with an open mind, a strong work ethic, and a passion for collaboration. In our troupe, we believe in supporting one another and pushing each other to grow, both as performers and as people. We would also advise them to be ready to embrace challenges and learn from every experience, as growth often comes from stepping out of their comfort zone.

9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.

Ayita has one cat and Maia has 4 cats that are chipped in her name plus 6 others that have adopted her! We are officially cat ladies.

Ayita: Iced mocha, frozen margarita, and chocolate!

Maia: A good red wine (with ice) or a good sparkling white wine Sangria, and a good Thai curry.

The Ceremony

Congratulations to The Gorean Repertoire for earning their STAR in Dance Queens Walk of Fame!  To be forever remembered for their contribution to virtual dance in Second Life plus for sharing Gorean culture through performance.  Thank you for participating with this project!  It is marvellous to see the Walk growing... we salute your STAR in this Walk of Fame and wish you continued adventure and fulfilment through dance creation.  Thank you for sharing!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Ballet Pixelle Auditions


Sunday September 8 at 4:30 PM SLT

Ballet Pixelle  Auditions


Friday, August 23, 2024

An Extra Special Walk of Fame!

This past Wednesday saw an extra space Walk of Fame ceremony.  At this ceremony, we honoured Those Who Serve... the people who volunteer their time to manage Dance Queens and do numerous tasks to help keep the dance community informed and bonded.  Not all could be here this day and they will be honoured with a ceremony at another time.


Here are the words that were given for the ceremony.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here today for a very special Walk of Fame paver placing.  Today, we honor Those Who Serve.  These are very special people who generously give life's most precious commodity to the dance community: Time.  These people have given countless hours, day after week after month after year, helping people in Second Life's dance community in numerous ways.

They manage the Dance Queens group, which is the hub for all things dance-related in our virtual world.  They contribute to the blog, calendar, Info Center, assisting people that call out for help in group chat, and keeping the group informed as to upcoming events.  These people keep Dance Queens alive, functioning and productive.  And they do not get paid for their service.  They are, at times, even abused by some people.  But they are bonded with one another in service to this essential group.

Dance Queens is the go-to for people needing to communicate across the grid about dance-related issues, and Those Who Serve are the people who make that possible.  We thank you for your service and for caring about Dance Queens and the dance community... our extended dance family.  These STARS in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame will now be placed.  Also, you will receive a STAR to hang on the wall in your home or at your home venue.

We appreciate your hard work, skills and dedication.  IT IS NOTICED!  We see you.  We thank you for your contributions to virtual dance in Second Life and wish you many years of dance fulfillment.  We also hope that all you sow in giving will come back to you as a harvest of appreciation from those who benefit from your loving work.

Babypea kneels down and places the heavy tiles into the sand, wriggling them into place and sweeping off the sand spilling over them with a tiny brush, calling out each name as she goes.

Nottoo Wise

Ame Thomas

Vienna James

A very special person who can only be with us in spirit, our beloved Web Sass

Another very special person who can only be with us in spirit, our beloved Zhaza Zerbino

Standing, she holds out her arms, "And there they are!  To remain for as long as we can keep this sim, which hopefully will be a long time.  Thank you for taking the time to participate in preserving the historical significance of those who dedicate themselves to sharing virtual dance in Second Life."

Thank you so much everyone for coming out to this most special and important Dance Queens Walk of Fame ceremony!  We hope you appreciate the passion and service of these dedicated people, leaders in our dance community.  Thank you, Those Who Serve... our Dance Queen Leaders... for serving and helping to keep the dance community informed!  Congratulations!  Wishing you all appreciation and fulfillment!

The Interviews

Through these interviews, we may get to know each of these inspiring people a bit better!

Nottoo Wise

The FOUNDER of Dance Queens!  What a thrill it was to have her at the ceremony.  I admit, I was fan girling :D  Read her interview and learn more about her and about the beginning of Dance Queens!

1. How and when did you find Second Life? 

In late 2006 I was on the RL elevator in my condo building and talked with the guy who lived on the floor below me. He was all excited about SL. So, after the holidays I checked it out and joined on 15 January 2007. Addiction started immediately.

2. How and when did you discover virtual dance? 

Of course I gravitated to clubs and music and dance. About my second week I saw something that stunned me ... two girls dancing in sync. WOW! how cool I thought. BUT, how did they do it? That was the start of my dancing journey ... Dance HUDs, dances, sequences, shows ....

3. Please tell us your history of serving the dance community.  When did you start, how did you come to do it, and what are your current service activities? 

In 2007 dance quality was not too good. Dances were made using software only programs and the quality varied from awful to okay. I quickly realized that some dancing had the potential to be really sensual and realistic, but it was a challenge to find them. Then, Easy Babcock opened Sine Wave selling MOCAP dances. The quality of dancing jumped several levels. I opened my pocketbook and bought so many dances. I shouldn't tell you, but I now have probably 12,000 to 15,000 separate animations/dances. Addiction has no boundaries hahaha.

MOCAP dancing took me to new heights of dancing. I learned the technology every way I could ... how dances are made, sequencing, organization of HUDs, matching dance and song, and more. I experimented every way I could. In early 2008 I started a Blues Club called Nottoo Hot with my then partner, Riddlebox Ribble. There I learned about couples dancing and how to enhance it. I also formed a dance group to put on shows at my club. One of my oldest friends and a great dancer, Diddy Hyun, was a part of the group. The dance group led to me learning about putting on shows. At that time there were almost no tools other than the Huddles HUD for putting on shows, so I started inventing things. I invented lots of dumb things and a few interesting things and that led me to the idea of opening a store to sell my stuff. So, I made a store on my sim and named the store "Dance Queens."

A few weeks after opening in walked a group of ladies. It was Zhaza Zerbino and her dance group. For the first time I realized that there were other people forming dance groups and they were on the same learning curve I was on. I decided to form a group called "Dance Queens" and send out information about dancing. I put tips for dancing, explanations for how to manage a HUD, dance sequences ... anything I thought would be helpful for people. Cheryl Nitely, who was a Nottoo Hot club member suggested a blog and with her help we made one. Other club members listened to my desires for dance systems ... Galilla Sinatra and Rug Halberd ... and I think that was part of the inspiration they had for starting the very useful Spot On dance tools. Dance Queens grew rapidly. We had dance festivals and so much interest. It was so much fun. The rest is history ... 

4.  What do you most enjoy about serving the dance community? 

My RL has taken me to a place without an internet and I rarely get to be in SL, so I am pretty much removed from dancing.

5. What advice would you give to someone who would like to promote the dance community? 

Watch what others do and learn. Experiment, experiment, experiment. Help others ... it pays dividends. Do not compete ... share. No one is the best dancer. Remember, it is for fun.

6. If you have your own dance troupe, please tell a little bit about it, and its history. 

I have had two dance groups long, long ago. 

7. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have. 

Hahahaha ... malbec wine from argentina and chile.

8. What activities other than dance do you enjoy? 

In SL I like playing with clothes and looks, and I enjoy people.

9. Is there anything else you'd like to add? 

Thank you for doing this. I am honored.

Ame Thomas

Ame has served Dance Queens for many years as a Manager.  She is also Dance Queens' go-to DJ for the special shows and events that Dance Queens hosts.

1. How and when did you find Second Life? 

I found SL in 2007 after seeing an advertisement in a gaming magazine and I thought it would be cool to check it out and it stuck.

2. How and when did you discover virtual dance? 

I started with Gorean dance at the end of 2007 and was invited to a show at Elysium in 2015 and knew I had to be a part of it.

3. Please tell us your history of serving the dance community.  When did you start, how did you come to do it, and what are your current service activities? 

I've been a manager at DQ since Web became director.  I mostly post dance events in group and am the DJ for the Dance Queens shows.

4.  What do you most enjoy about serving the dance community?  

Learning about the different troupes, getting to know new dancers and choreos and seeing new dances and techniques.

5. What do you least enjoy about serving the dance community?  

Trying to juggle all the shows on a busy day.  :))

6. What advice would you give to someone who would like to promote the dance community?  

Utilize Dance Queens.  Let us list and announce your shows and get your information in the Info Center and on the blog.

7. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.  

I'm a pizza junkie and definitely diet Mountain Dew for the caffeine.  I have 6 dogs and 3 cats and we all fit into a 2 bedroom house where they have their own room.  But they're not spoiled...nope.

8. What activities other than dance do you enjoy? 

I Co-own the Kilikobo Resort with my husband Diamonte, am an Estate Manager for SkyBeam Estates and modeling in SL.

9. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

It's been a privilege to serve the dance community and hope to for a very long time.

Vienna James

Vienna has served Dance Queens in Management and also promotes Dance Queens events in her own performance group Keep Performance Alive (KPA).

1. How and when did you find Second Life? 

In 2006, the Captain of my RL Star Trek unit told me about Star Trek in SL.

2. How and when did you discover virtual dance? 

At Odds & Ends, dancing on a disc to earn lindens!
First performance I saw was a dance performance to Pink Floyd's the Wall, and I was hooked!

3. Please tell us your history of serving the dance community.  When did you start, how did you come to do it, and what are your current service activities? 

I believe I started serving DQ in 2021.  I create or update events on the calendar when needed.
I updated all of the 'DQ Wall' for Webby in 2022.  I am happy to help out whenever DQ needs support.

4.  What do you most enjoy about serving the dance community?

I love SL Dance and the talent always blows me away so it is an honor for me to help out in any way I can to keep it alive and well.

5. What advice would you give to someone who would like to promote the dance community? 
Join DQ and place out troupe posters as often as possible!

6. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have. 

Drink:  Banana milkshake
2 Kitties:  Riff Raff & Magenta

7. What activities other than dance do you enjoy? 

Scripting games like trivia and event boards (like KPA) for all kinds of SL events.

Zhaza Zerbino served as Dance Queens Director and Owner from 2013 to 2016.  She had several dance troupes during her time in Second Life.  We lost her to kidney disease after she put up a brave fight for a solid year.  She will never be forgotten.  Zhaza was so cheerful and upbeat and encouraging.  She had a light inside her and when you talked with her, you could feel her joy.

Web Sass served as Dances Queens Director and Owner from 2017 to 2024.  She loved Dance Queens and the dance community, and served with dedication and determination.  She was firm but fair and gave her all to Dance Queens and the dance community, encouraging so many people to take chances in dance creation, to dance without fear, holding nothing back.  Her compassion and empathy were felt by so many.  We lost her in March to kidney failure after a valiant year-long fight.  She will never be forgotten.

Thank you for your service to the dance community and for going the extra mile to give so much love, dedication and commitment to the dance community.  I know you seldom hear a thank you and may at times feel taken for granted.  Just know that your service is SEEN and FELT and APPRECIATED!

Club Image


IMAGE 14th Anniversary Dance Show

✧˖°*☆ Theme -Again- ☆*°˖✧

Sunday, August 25 and September 8, 2024

START 7:00 AM SLT / 開幕 23:00 JST

............. Program .............

1. Yuko Pinklady "A Thousand Miles"

2. Nyoko "Retrospect"

3. Layra Bulmer "prayer「祈り」"

4. Raldcat "花の匂い The smell of flowers"

5. SakuraSakuJP "人魚姫の心 The Mermaid’s Heart"

6. Misse Tigerpaw "Hurricane"

7. Setsuna Hirano "Cocoon Moon"

Ending: Setsuna Hirano "Again"

★ DJ: Fairytale Stoop

★ Staff: Sakuya Lazuli, Xia Xute, Oto, Cocoa, and Sunset Quinnell

★ Music: Ending composer by Shusaku Rhode

............. ............. ............. ............. .............



Thursday, August 22, 2024

Show & Lounge cossette'


26.Aug 2024 (Mon) 7:00 am SLT 

Here we are cossette' is all about excellent harmony of music, stage and dance. 

Please come down to the show and enjoy our expressive performance on stage!

1. Rachael

2. Sarah

3. Starlet

4. Yougao

5. Clau

6. Kazusaf

 MC: Sarah



Put on your swimwear and come and enjoy Debauche as we dance at the gorgeous Surfers Point

Dancing under the twilight twinkling stars once again.  Really is a magical sight. So come and enjoy a truly magnificent  show and after party with a host Deejay

Stars, moon, sand, sea and Debauche, What a fantastic sight

Sunday 25th August  at 1pm SLT Debauche at Surfers Point



Please come and join Debauche as we visit one of our favourite venues. The Trophy Room is the location and we are so looking forward to dancing here

Spectacular new routine as well

Sexy, Little bit naughty but always classy, that's Debauche

After party also, please come formal wear but low scripts as possible

Saturday 24th August, 1pm SLT The Trophy Room

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Elysium Cabaret Dances into History!

 This past Tuesday, Elysium Cabaret brought some of their favourite acts to the Zhaza Zerbino stage on the Dance Queens sim, as they danced their show to earn their STAR in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame.  It was a fantastic show, filled with a variety of stellar acts.  It was a joy to come out and support this project!  Below, find pictures from the show plus an interview that offers some insight into Elysium.  What a heart-warming, special event this was!


Paul - Freedom -- Jon Batiste

Pea - Sad But True
With Niecho, Sass, DC and GMan

Gracie - Dowtown (downtempo) - Anna Taylor Joy
With Pea and Kely

Sarah - NaughtyMonster Mix
With Ginty

Yancy- Dancing On My Own
With Cael, Azdra, Persephone and Zach

Mikiko - Billie Eilish - Therefore I Am

Azzy - Sia - Magic
With Cael, Pea, Melli, Yancy, Diva, Sass, Nadi and Persephone

Rory- She Has Something Extra
With Resmay


1. How and when did your troupe form? 
Elysium Cabaret was formed in December of 2012.  We created it because I wanted a place to dance where I could do anything I wanted.  Most places have so many rules, but Elysium is pretty laid back.

2. Where do you usually perform, what is your usual venue? 
Our home venue is The Empire Room on Copperhead Road sim.  We do shows every Friday at 6pm SLT plus a matinee the last Saturday of each month at 1pm SLT.

3. What is your troupe's primary goal in dance? 
Our primary goal is to give creative souls freedom to let their imaginations run wild.  We want to allow people the place and space to be able to create freely, holding nothing back.  That, at times, requires minimal rules.  We do have boundaries of course but they are quite generous.  We want people to feel comfortable and have creative FUN.  We want them to be appreciated and to be fulfilled with what they share on the stage.

This is our daily affirmation:
Today's daily affirmation isn't even an affirmation.  I'm just telling you to be a menace today.  Just be a problem.  Go absolutely feral.  Be the weirdest scariest most beautiful thing anybody has ever seen today.

4.  What can an audience member expect to see at one of your shows? 
We offer a variety of performance styles, an eclectic mix of music genres.  The last Friday of each month, we have theme shows, but other than that, the dances are entirely up to each choreographer.  I detest rules and limits and enjoy seeing my choreographers running wild, making mischief, and generally being menaces.  In a fun way. :)

5. Who owns the troupe and who directs or manages it? 
Elysium Cabaret is owned by Paul Woodrunner, BabypeaVonPhoenix Bikergrrl and Gunner von Phoenix.  We also have some great people who help behind the scenes. ♥

6. As a Director or Manager, what is your favorite thing about having a troupe? 
I love the social aspect of spending quality time with creative souls... the camaraderie!  Supporting one another, a feeling of mutual trust and respect, sharing a feeling of friendship and even family.  THE PEOPLE is my favorite thing!  I love to see them happy and having fun.  It is contagious!

7. As a Director or Manager, what is your least favorite thing about having a troupe? 
The paperwork....
But that's the job part of it, and so I wrangle the paperwork and all the busy details.  There are a lot of busy details to keep up with and I am so lazy, I find I'd rather stand in a meadow smelling flowers like Ferdinand the Bull.  If only I had someone to take pictures, to do the weekly posters, to wrangle the promos, do the lineups... gosh I could just work myself right out of a job and become the lazy bull I want to be, LOL!

8. What directive would you give to someone who wants to join your troupe? 
Contact one of the owners and introduce yourself.  Let the owner know what you want, to join the troupe, how many shows per month you'd like to be in... communication is the key.  Patience is needed because we do have a big troupe but persistence does pay off.

If you want to backup dance, the most important thing would be to come to rehearsals and shows and participate in group chat during these events so that the choreographers can get to know you.  Let them know you'd like to be in their dances, otherwise you can slip through the cracks because Elysium is so big.  Choreographers naturally ask people that they are familiar with to be in their dances, so get them familiar with you.

9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have. 
Lobster with drawn butter and lemon, Pepsi-Max, and I have two dogs, Whippets, named Boomer and Gracie.  And two feline overlords, named Diva and Trouble.  I am grateful for the opportunity to serve them.

10. Is there anything else you'd like to add? 
Share your toys.  If someone asks what animation you used, where you got that hair or costume, or how you did that amazing thing... tell them.  Don't hide your light under a barrel.  A candle loses no light by lighting another candle.  Give love... share your toys.  It will nourish your soul.

11. If your troupe has a website, blog, Flicker, Facebook, or anything else, please list it here:

The STAR Ceremony

Congratulations Elysium Cabaret!  Thank you for sharing your creative passion and participating in Dance Queens Walk of Fame!  May your star shine on, blessing the virtual world with imaginative light and warmth for many years!  Thank you to everyone who participated in this event, be it on the stage, behind the scenes or from the audience. ♥

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

DQ WoF - The Gorean Repertoire


Saturday, August 24th at 12noon SLT

Dance Queens
Walk of Fame
Presents: The Gorean Repertoire 

Please join us for a very special event!  The Gorean Repertoire  will be dancing their way into history by earning their STAR in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame!  They will present a show of their favorite acts for our enjoyment.  Please come support them as they dance into posterity!

DATE/TIME: Saturday, August 24th at 12noon SLT
At the Zhaza Zerbino Stage
On the Dance Queens sim


Fifth Ave Guys & Dolls


Saturday August 24,2024 @ 4:00 pm SLT   

Fifth Avenue Guys & Dolls
Paris After Dark Burlesque


 Le burlesque devient latin
 As the show begins, the stage comes alive with vibrant colors and dramatic lighting. The performers, adorned in elaborate costumes with feathers, sequins, and intricate bead work, take the stage. Their movements are a mesmerizing blend of traditional Latin dance and burlesque, combining sensuality with high-energy choreography.

Please join for a night hot and sultry dances brought to you by the very talented Paris After Dark dancers.

Special instructions/dress code:
Dress:  Formal, Cocktail Dresses for Women
            Suits or Tux for Men


Monday, August 19, 2024

Sarabande Theater


Fri, Aug 23 @ 11:00 AM SLT
Sun, Aug 25 @ 11:00 AM SLT

Sarabande Theater
Sarabande presents two modern masterpieces: Debussy's "Jeux" and Stravinsky's "Le Sacre du printemps." These two ballets, which shook the world and changed 20th-century music and dance forever, remain just as assuring, shocking, and compelling to this day.

Crystal Edge Dancers


Crystal Edge are performing at our luxurious HOME theatre
23rd August 2024, 1pm SLT

Bring all your friends with you and enjoy the beautiful dances.
 We would love to see you all; followed by a little party all together.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Men in Motion Dance into History!

 It was very exciting to sit down to a show of all-male choreographers.  Not too often you get to see that!  And, this was a most special occasion as Men in Motion danced their Walk of Fame, earning their place in Second Life dance history!  They presented an incredible show on the Zhaza Zerbino stage at the Dance Queens sim that featured mind-blowing acts of creative brilliance.  Check out pictures from the show and read the interview that lets us get to know this fabulous dance troupe better!

The Show

Si - Blow
With Si, Con, DC, Diamonte, Helios, Jeremy, Sass, Seb, Thom, Yancy and Zach

Yancy - Unleash the Power
With Yancy, Helios, Sass, Si and Zach

Diamonte - Ain't No Stopping Us Now
With Diamonte, Con, JP and Yancy

Sass - Natural
With Sass, DC and Diamonte

DC - Go the Distance
With DC, Si and Thom

JP - The Last Airbender
With JP, Con, Diamonte, Jeremy, Si and Yancy

Con - Boot Scootin' Boogie
With Con, DC, JP, Seb and Zach

Zach - Wrecked
With Zach, Sass, Seb and Yancy

Seb - Champagne Life
With All the Men

The Interview

1. How and when did your troupe form? 
Men In Motion began in 2015 at the Empire Theater stage with the help of Paul Woodrunner.

2. Where do you usually perform, what is your usual venue?
Men In Motion has a theater and a campus with a statue garden, art gallery, and men's health information.  It can be visited at

3. What is your troupe's primary goal in dance?
To highlight male choreographers and dancers in the community 

4.  What can an audience member expect to see at one of your shows?
A lot of fun and creativity 

5. Who owns the troupe and who directs or manages it?
Sebastain Bourne started and owns the group.  Zach Cheveyo helps manage the stage and dancers.

6. As a Director or Manager, what is your favorite thing about having a troupe?
I really enjoy the creativity and the camaraderie that the guys have developed over time.

7. As a Director or Manager, what is your least favorite thing about having a troupe? 
I really don't have a "least favorite thing about having the group", because I have a Manager who handles anything that pops up. And together we get through it somehow.  We're all only human.

8. What directive would you give to someone who wants to join your troupe? 
Be flexible, work with us, be patient.  Have a desire to learn.

9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have. 
The team 'pet' is a bear.  We have them around the theater, we give them out as gifts at times.  Something that has become a sort of theme of the guys who "just want to be your teddy bear."

10. Is there anything else you'd like to add? 
In November of 2015 we started advocating for men's mental and physical health and teamed up with the Movember Foundation to do that through events and awareness activities in the month of November.

We also hold a Winter Gala at the end of every year to thank our fans and supporters for their patronage over the last year. 

While we've had several DJs throughout the years, Ame has been with us since day one and stuck with the team through these years of craziness.

In 2025 we will be celebrating 10 years as a dance team.

11. If your troupe has a website, blog, Flicker, Facebook, or anything else, please list it here:

The STAR Ceremony

What a team of sharp dressed men!  Congratulations Men in Motion!  Here is hoping you stay in motion for many years to come and that your STAR continues to give light and warmth to the dance universe of Second Life!  Congratulations on earing your STAR in the Walk of Fame and thank you for participating in this project!