Sunday, April 14, 2024

Riviera Pixel Movers


Wednesday 17 April 2024
Time: 1.30pm slt
Venue: Riviera Pixel Movers Theatre on Riviera Island

Riviera Pixel Movers - Swan Show (Premiere performances)
These will be the first performances of our new show "The Swan"

The Swan show has 5 acts and lasts about 1 hour.

The story of the Swan Show

This show is the story of a swan, her name is Willow, her partner is Rowan. It is a story of love and disaster but as you will find out it does have a happy ending.

The idea for this show came to me when I read about something that happened in a park in London in early 2020.

As the creation of the show developed I brought my own ideas to it but the core of the show, Love and Disaster, remains the same as what really happened. 

The show contains elements of the film Ghost and also some fantasy.

Act 1 The arrival at the lake
Act 2 Making the lake their home
Act 3 The disaster (this act is in 2 parts)
Act 4 Sad in winter but there is a glimmer of hope
Act 5 Love and a new partner

Special instructions/dress code:
Dress code is smart casual or semi formal/formal
Please set Shared Environment for the best lighting whilst you watch the show.

Please reduce your scripts as low as you can by detaching AO's and any other huds you may be wearing
it can make huge difference to the smooth running of the show. Thank you

We don't like name tags, they spoil the look of the show. If you feel the same you can turn them off in Preferences on the General tab and then choose do not show name tags or to show them briefly. Doing this makes for a much better viewing experience.