Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tonight! Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day at LEA7 Fortunate Sons

My husband was sent to Vietnam two days after his 18th birthday.  I look now at my 16 year old daughter, I look at her classmates, and all I can think is, he was just a baby.  The average age of a soldier in Vietnam was 19.  I can’t imagine being in a war at that age.  My husband was 19 when he returned home from Vietnam.  When he stepped off the ship, he was greeted by an angry mob of Americans who called him a baby-killer.  One of them threw a bag of dog shit at him and hit him in the head with it.
He went through hell in Vietnam.   He saw things and suffered things most people will never have to experience, because their freedom was protected by my husband and thousands of other people like him.  Our Veterans have fought for freedom over the centuries in one war or another.  Vietnam Veterans received no hero’s welcome when they returned home.
March 30th is Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.  The Outsiders will pay their respects to this noble celebration of gratitude to those who sacrificed and served, with a dance show.  Thursday, March 30th at 6pm SLT on the LEA7 Fortunate Sons sim.  We hope you will come out to show respect and gratitude to our Vietnam Veterans.