Friday, September 30, 2016
Spirit Light Dance Company Presents ~ Remember When
Spirit Light Dance Company Presents
~~~~ Remember When ~~~~
October 9th, 16th, 23rd, and November 6th
12 Noon SLT
Sponsored by Rockcliffe University
After a box of VHS tapes is unceremoniously dumped on Shelly and Larry's floor (Characters you will remember from "Dancing with the SLDC Stars") the Spirit Light Dance Company takes you on a toe-tapping trip down Movie Memory Lane. This performance is both theater and dance.
You don't want to miss this unique show.
~~ Stay'n Alive, Saturday Night Fever, Annie, White Nights, Star Wars, Batman, Troy, Ghostbusters, Welcome to Burlesque, Magnificent Seven, Mission Impossible, Happy Feet, I Armageddon, Dirty Dancing, and topped off by a rousing "Dirty Dancing ~~
Maybe the performance will make you cry. Maybe you will smile. Probably you will do both. It is guaranteed that you will leave with a lightness of spirit that will push you to dance as you, too, "Remember When."
Choreographic Team--Caryl Meredith, Amari di Ricchezi Thomas, Redorange Magic, Kaleki Topaz, Kele Monday, Kiran Sporg, Jennifer Carlucci and Falken Wikentower.
All Performances are free of charge -- We often fill the sim, so please arrive at last 30 minutes early to get your computer set up for the show and to cash the sets and animations. Please keep your scripts under 50. You will be checked as you enter the theater.
“Dance is the hidden language of the soul. There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” ~ Martha Grahm
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Sky Fire & The Imaginals present "The Brave"
invite you to become part of a unique particle/dance performance
This performance takes the audience on a journey from the confusion and alienation of city life to awareness at the top of a mountain and the return to bring new humanity and a greening to our world.
The Brave CoLab Evolution sim is a collaboration of many creative people in SL inspired by the themes of our world today and the changes we need to make. Subscribe for many events and openings.
Some audience members will have the opportunity to join the dance.
junivers Stockholm with lyrics by junivers and Medora Chevalier
Medora Chevalier
Lexi Marshdevil
Particle Tom
zimp Rexie
JenniferMay Carlucci
Medora Chevalier
Klark Harvey
Angelique Menoptra
Zimp Rexie
Southern Riptide
Alazi Sautereau
Falkon Wickentower
STREAMING: Alazi Sautereau
Delain Canucci - Color Alchemists
Mario Helstein - M2D
Phoenix - Nix Club
Venus - Illusions
Particle Tom & Lexi Marshdevil - Sky Fire
COSTUME WISPY TRAIL WINGS used with permission by Vitani Jun
THE BRAVE PROGRAM by Medora Chevalier:
The city flows around us. The traffic never ending; the pace unforgiving. Lights speeding past; elevators falling from far above; towers reaching up beyond sight; shadowy figures rushing by. Where is the human, where does nature break through? If by a miracle a rose grew through the sidewalk it would be crushed and wither. Loneliness rules.
We are ill at ease. Our movements jerky. We wonder what is life. How can we be part. We reach out to interact but there is no true connection, no warmth. All is very odd and cold. We dance alone. Loneliness is what we all share. Our minds are going living this life of lies and loneliness.
We hear the call. Voices call us to step up and find our courage. We must face the future of risk and act to change it. We need to commit ourselves, heads, hearts and hands.
The majestic great beasts are coming. What a force of nature! What disruption to the way things are. We climb a spiral path out of the urban jungle and into the clear air of a mountain. Clouds surround us as we reach the peaks. Strange and beautiful things will change us.
Our life up in the clear air is full of playfulness and joy. We have so much room to breathe and leap into the sky in dance as we are freed.
Mystical forces demand our attention. Dance through all our histories has been sacred and brought us to face deep spiritual challenges.
As mystical forces and people join together we are freed from old bonds and, no longer earth bound, we can reach into the skies. We gather our strength in a moment of solemn love and higher purpose.
Joyfully determined and happy we move back down the mountain and embracing the move back to earth, Of course there may be shocks along the way!
We have returned to the dark urban city - the atmosphere is heavy. We walk the city streets, among the poor and dispossessed, the division between peoples, the lost and the intoxication of despair. It is dark and damp. Rain sweeps our faces. Then the storm breaks - a clearing cleansing storm - sweeping away all the darkness and cruelty - leaving nature and green lushness to arise. The earth is resurgent. Life will return. Humanity rediscovers its connection to the rest of the universe. We are no longer alone. We are green, transcendent, whole.
Adapted by Medora Chevalier from Joanna Macey
Something important is happening
Something is shifting here
Be glad to be alive!
We are changing visions
Changing lives
It is "the greening of the self.'
Time to stand up
Time to step up
Defending our lives
Defending our Earth
I, the forest giant, feel the people hug my trunk,
Block the chain saws with their bodies,
Feel their fingers caress my bark
Stop the steel, let me live.
I hear the Brave in their boats
Place themselves between the harpoons and me,
I escape to the depths of the sea.
Give thanks for your life and for mine, and for life itself.
I know we have the power , the power to change
Tree and elephant, whale and bear are not "out there"; they are ourselves
Dangers threaten, overwhelming us.
Our world, as we know it, may come to an end.
It takes courage to stop denying this crisis
Courage to grieve, a deep response, a deep grief
Courage to smell the burning of the forests
Courage to see the famines of Africa
Courage to hear the voices swept away by flood and war
Courage to see our brothers homeless in our cities
Taking courage , we are no longer puny individuals
We are part of the rain forest, we are the earth protecting itself.
We are the earth emerged into thought and consciousness
This is the greening of the self.
This is our greening
The green mystical, the green practical, the green transcendent
The deep interconnectedness of all life
It makes us The Brave
Don't ever apologize for crying
Don't ever apologize for sorrow, grief, the rage that you feel.
It is a measure of your humanity
It is a measure of your open heart
As your heart breaks open it makes room for the world to heal.
The Brave weave their small arcs in the wider currents and loops of knowing that interconnect us.
Making the 'pattern that connect'
This is the greening of self
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Elysium Cabaret presents Classic Rock with a Twist!
Friday, September 30th at 6pm SLT it is Elysium Cabaret in a theme show featuring Classic Rock with a Twist! What is the twist? Come out and see! The show starts at 6pm SLT, but come early cause the sim tends to fill. At the end of the show, be prepared to join us on stage as we dance you to swinging tunes. Bring friends and stay for the after party with DJ Gunner spinning the tunes to your requests!
Every Friday at 6pm SLT, Elysium Cabaret takes the stage in The Empire Room at Copperhead Road. We strive to present fabulous dance shows that involve an eclectic mix of music, dancers and styles, elaborate staging and costumes. We don't like limits! Offering everything from burlesque to hiphop, ballet to swing, country, rock, and all that jazz, we have something for everyone. At the end of our shows, we invite the audience on stage to dance with us... one way we try to say "THANK YOU" for coming out and sharing music, dance and creativity with us! Elysium Cabaret, where the imagination is invited to come out and play! Hope to see you there!
Welcome to the weekend!
The Monarchs present "Imagine Too" Dates Released!
The Monarchs present Imagine Too!
Let your inner child out to play! The long-awaited sequel to last year’s mega production, Imagine! Come travel to lands inspired by fairy tales, children’s books, movies and more! This fall you can witness it all come to life in a series dance performances by the team who brought you the wildly popular sim-wide spectacular “Star Wars: The Untold Stories.” This show will be another sim-wide production with breathtaking detailed builds, enchanting costumes, and cutting-edge choreography. Please arrive early to guarantee a seat on the flying ship that will sail you from set to set. Stay after the show, explore the sim, take lots of wonderful pictures! With thanks in part to Linden Endowment for the Arts for the grant of LEA17.
Friday, October 7th at 9pm SLT
Saturday, October 8th at 1pm SLT
Saturday, October 8th at 1pm SLT
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Alice in Wonderland
Mary Poppins
The Wizard of Oz
Jurassic Park
Alice in Wonderland
Mary Poppins
The Wizard of Oz
Jurassic Park
*We are still building, but you are welcome to drop by already*
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
The Paramount Players Night Players
September 24th@7pm slt
The Paramount Players does a monthly "after hours" show. We bring bring you the same performance quality we do at our Saturday shows, maybe a little more skin... little less costume. Some acts do contain adult content.
What's the diff? You already know what we present at the Paramount; Night Players will have some acts that are similar - but it will also feature acts that are more - Avant Grade - acts that stretch our creative wings - - push our boundaries.
Amazon Dancers 'Casino do Chacrinha'
Amazon Dancers will be performing their new show 'Casino do Chacrinha' on Sunday 25 September at Amazon Theatre.
This show is part of Amazon Dancers 'Voices' project.
The show has 5 acts and lasts about 1 hour.
Title: Amazon Dancers New show - Casino do Chacrinha
Where: Amazon Theatre on Alexandre sim
Date: Sunday 25 September 2016
Time: 5pm slt
Dress: Formal
Best of Breezes Dancers Show
Breezes Dancers will be performing their show Best of Breezes Dancers on Saturday 24 September. This is a show of 6 Acts featuring some of the best acts from our shows and one new act. The show lasts about one hour.
There will be a party after the show for everyone to enjoy some dancing fun.
Title: Best of Breezes Dancers Show
Where: Amazon Theatre - Alexandre
Date: Saturday 24 September 2016
Time: 1pm slt
Dress Code: Formal
Monday, September 19, 2016
Misfit Dance & Performance Art presents:

Misfit Magic
A Showcase of Theater Dance
Misfit Dance is proud to be part of “Miles of Memories 2016”
– an event to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association
Join us for a fun and inspiring FULL production of
theater dancing performed LIVE on the big stage in the sky!
Amazing music, sets, costumes, special effects & dance – Think Broadway in SL!
Curtain time is 6 pm SL, but please arrive early so that your viewer may
advance cache our sets & costumes for the best experience possible
We will have 30 minutes of great pre-show music starting at 5:30 pm SL
Tuesday Sept 20th at 6pm
Thursday Sept 22nd at 6pm
Misfit Dance & Performance Art is a JenzZa Misfit VR production
Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information
The Kittens 'n' Tigers Variety Show
Please join us at The Waterfront Theatre as The Kittens 'n' Tigers stroll onto stage
We are high-kicking our legs in excitement as Dids and Bubs take to the stage. They will be joined by Mandy, Tan, Ray & Andy.
So with out further ado, check out our show on Thursday, 22nd September, 2.30pm SLT
We are truly grateful to you all who visit and attend our shows and hope to have memorable moments throughout the years
Friday, September 16, 2016
Anu Papp and the Remarkable [ Muse ] Dance Company "Fiddler on the Roof"
September 25th at 1pm SLT
The story of Fiddler on the Roof is heart warming. The music is unforgettable. Through the magic of producer and choreographer Anu Papp and the remarkable [ muse ] dance company, this hit Broadway play comes alive in Second Life on the stage at [ muse ] theater.
Anu Papp and the Remarkable Starlite Dancers "Fiddler on the Roof"
September 17th at 1pm SLT
The story of Fiddler on the Roof is heart warming. The music is unforgettable. Through the magic of producer and choreographer Anu Papp and the remarkable Starlite Dancers, this hit Broadway play comes alive in Second Life on the stage of Origen's Chinese Playhouse just for you.
Anu Papp Producer and Choreographer. Performed by The Starlite Dancers
Join us for an evening of top-shelf Broadway entertainment.
The Velvet Vixen - Dream On
The Velvet Vixen
Dream On
Monday September 19th 2016
Have you ever wanted to know how a dancer dreams? How about when they have nightmares?? Come early and save your seat so you can see the visions ... well probably not sugarplums... that dance through their heads!
(This is a new location)
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Misfit Dance and Performance Art - "EOF" (Every Other Friday) Matinee - 10 AM SL !
JenzZa will be debuting 2 new ones this week!
"Queens of DeNile " a super fun Egypt number
"Misfit's Toys" - an early holiday piece to preview an upcoming show! (hint: Tap dancing with tapping sounds! So fun!)
Join us at our Home Theater for awesome music , great sets and exciting choreographed stage dancing! The curtain goes up at 10:00AM SLT, but please arrive a little early to be seated and to enjoy our great Pre-Show music. As always, we will Group Dance with our audience after the performance! Come see what everyone is talking about ~ It's not just a show , it's an experience... seriously!
Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information
Location: Misfit Forest Theater
Monday, September 12, 2016
The Orchid Presents A Harlot's Grand Opening!
Well, maybe not a harlot’s opening, but certainly the grand opening of The Orchid, local brothel in the seaside village of Nassau. Step back into the days of Treasure Island and Black Sails! Pirates Destiny is pleased to offer a dance show, performed by the Orchid Harlots, in celebration of the opening of their new brothel. The show is going to be a hilarious, bawdy fun show, so bring your sense of humour! Grab some friends and come share this adventure with us.
Please understand this is a roleplay sim (well, actually, twelve roleplay sims of islands and ocean, perfect for sailing and high seas adventure!). The brothel is roleplay-only (no exchange of lindens permitted, roleplay coins-only are used for payment of any services, drinks, meals, etc. Free coin HUDs are available on the welcome ship). You do not have to roleplay to attend the show. But if you want to stay and play after, get to know the place a bit, you will be very welcome!
This show will most likely have nudity so adults only, please.
Sunday, September 18th at 2pm SLT
You do not have to roleplay, but it is appreciated if you dress in era early 1700s attire, either as a pirate or wench, a fine gentleman or lady, even a member of the British, Spanish or French Navy. Mermaids and other sea creatures also welcome! Pirates Destiny has a full underwater population with related roleplay! Always seeking more people to join us, so check us out. Inexpensive housing as well in a themed community that is friendly, fun, and full of adventure. G&S roleplay system, daily events, game night, movie night, battles on land and at sea… and so much more! Create your character, bring your ideas, and join us or at least come enjoy a very fun show that will give you a glimpse of life back in 1715.
Friday, September 9, 2016
The Monarchs presents Imagine Too!
The Monarchs presents Imagine Too!
The long awaited sequel to last year's mega production. Come travel lands inspired by fairy tales, children's books, movies and more! This fall you can witness it all come to life in a series dance performances!
Show dates to be announced!
*We are still building, but you are welcome to drop by already*
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Misfit Dance & Performance Art
Misfit Dance & Performance Art
September & October show dates
Contact JenzZa Misfit for more info if needed
9/7 7pm Dance Showcase at our home theater
9/16 10 AM Matinee - Dance Showcase at our home theater
9/20 6 pm “Miles of Memories” Alzheimer’s Association
9/21 7pm Dance Showcase at our home theater
9/22 6 pm “Miles of Memories” Alzheimer’s Association
9/30 10 AM Matinee - Dance Showcase at our home theater
10/5 7pm Dance Showcase at our home theater
10/14 10 am Matinee - Dance Showcase at our home theater
10/19 7 pm Dance Showcase at our home theater
10/28 10 AM Matinee - Dance Showcase at our home theater
Home theater shows every other Wed at 7pm SL & 1 Friday matinee per month at 10 am SL
Each performance is a full production showcase featuring selections from over 30 Theater Dance Art pieces (and growing!) that are rotated for our shows to keep things fun & memorable! We frost the cupcake after each performance with 30 minutes of fun choreographed Group Dancing with our audience! Come join the fun!
Misfit Forest Theater SLURL -
Many thanks from The Misfits !! =)
Kittens 'n' Tigers Lights, camera, action!
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Kittens 'n' Tigers
All the world’s a stage and we are gonna shine!
Lights, camera, action!
THURSDAY 8th September 2.30pm SLT - Doors open 2pm.
Please join us at The Waterfront Theatre as The Kittens 'n' Tigers stroll onto stage with moving hips, shoulders swaying, fingers clicking and "Dance, Dance, Dance"
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
The Monarchs Present the Long Awaited "Imagine Too!"
The Monarchs present Imagine Too!
The long awaited sequel to last year's mega production, Imagine! Come travel to lands inspired by fairy tales, children's books, movies and more! This fall you can witness it all come to life in a series dance performance!
Another sim-wide mega production from the team who brought you Star Wars: The Untold Stories.
Show dates to be announced!
*We are still building, but you are welcome to drop by already*
Guerilla Burlesque's September Show Dates!

⊱⊰★⊱⊰☆⊱GUERILLA BURLESQUE ⊰☆⊱⊰★⊱⊰★
We are back this week with two great shows on Friday night but there are just 6 shows remaining on the schedule for this month!
We hope you get a chance to come see us at the Ariellum Theater at our regular Revue times in September and also make the trip with us in October to Burn2!
Performance dates for September are:
Sept 9th - 7 pm and midnight
Sept 23rd - 7 pm and midnight
Sept 30th - 7 pm and midnight
at the Ariellum Theater on Idle Rogue!
Make those plans for Friday night and dont forget to bring your friends!
One Enchanted Evening at Sweetwater’s Magic Moments!
It’s One Enchanted Evening with Elysium Cabaret performing at Sweetwater’s Magic Moments! A mini-show featuring four enchanting acts, followed by a dance party with Best Whimsical Costume contest. Dress in what is enchanting to you. Promises to be an ethereal evening with magical moments, nice people, smiles and laughter, and plenty of music and dance! Make it a date and bring friends, let’s celebrate friendship and creativity.
The Paramount Players new show, Be Free
Come join us for an evening of classy but sassy entertainment as we the PARAMOUNT GRAND THEATRE, the Paramount Players dance for you September 10th & 17th at 7pm slt, in our new show, Be Free.
Players are free to do what they want this month. Be it old or new dance performance, the Players are sure to be creative and innovative.
Monday, September 5, 2016
How concerned are all of you about how your audience sees you? Yes, this is regarding the latest update to the FS viewer and to the latest SL viewer. It is in regard to the "jelly doll" update.
How do you all feel about how your audience see/views you? Do you care? Would you rather it didn't matter?
I would like you ALL to tell me how you perceive the latest update affects how you do the work that you do in SL.
Please send me a notecard with your feelings/opinions to Shadow Tarber and let's get a conversation started!!!
How do you all feel about how your audience see/views you? Do you care? Would you rather it didn't matter?
I would like you ALL to tell me how you perceive the latest update affects how you do the work that you do in SL.
Please send me a notecard with your feelings/opinions to Shadow Tarber and let's get a conversation started!!!
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Male Dancers Needed
Please contact Klark Harvy if you would like to be part of this dance on the following dates/times:
GB midnight 23rd sept
Elysium 1pm 24th sept
GB midnight 23rd sept
Elysium 1pm 24th sept
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