Sunday, March 27, 2016

Grand Opening: "Land of Enchantment"

Please join us for a very special creative journey, a short but meaningful mini-dance show, influenced by the art of Ronin Shippe, heralding the Grand Opening of his exhibit "Land of Enchantment," inspired landscapes of New Mexico. The dance performance is an intimate, powerful show, featuring four emotionally-charged acts.  It will be followed by music and open dancing, with live entertainment provided by the esteemed Joaquin Gustav. Dress to tango if you'd like to get into the spirit of the event!  This show will hang for six weeks for your enjoyment. Please visit and share the spirit of Ronin's art with those you care for. It is also the Grand Opening of Elysium Opus, an art gallery loosely focused on native-themed art and indigenous artists in SL and in RL.