Thursday, February 27, 2025
Friday, February 21, 2025
Leninah Starlight Shines as She Earns Her Dance Queens Star!
One of the very special things about the Dance Queens Walk of Fame is getting to meet virtual dance creators for the first time. Where has Leninah been all my Second Life? I had the recent pleasure of meeting Leninah Starlight, who shared her talents on the Zhaza Zerbino Stage, thereby earning her star in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame. She has been dancing for quite a while, and it was a pleasure to watch her show, as she presented a unique style with a metaphoric artistic appeal that really stimulated interest. Let's take a look at some pictures from her show, then read an interview with her, as she is well-worth getting to know better.
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Murphy - RamaLama Bang Bang |
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The Real
Thing - Can You Feel the Force |
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Muse –
Madness |
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Bruno Mars – APT |
Leninah's team who performed in this show: Rain Torvalar, Red Darkheart, Aphiris Moris, EmilyAmiee Resident, Keshii Ethereal, Flint Carfield, Calli Callieope, Alexandriaxxo (Alex) and Jareth Cromwell
1. How and
when did you find Second Life?
I came into
SL about 8 years ago now to explore what the virtual world could offer as a
platform for creative art. I explored and loved the creative opportunities all
around and was hooked on it pretty much immediately.
2. How and when did you discover virtual dance?
I started
virtual dance as a cheerleader, then became involved in Performing Arts at a
college here. First as a student and then after a while as an instructor. I do
still do Cheerleading but less frequently now as other projects have taken
centre stage, pun intended there :P
3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite dances that you have ever created.
Oh wow!
every one is a favourite at some time :) If I had to choose just a few one
would be 'Rama Lama Bang Bang - Rosin Murphy'
an early piece which is included in the four for the mini show. Also
'Sforzarsi' which is a medley of three songs covering birth life and death and
is inspired by the poem by William Ernest Henley 'Invictus', but requires too
large a set to include in the show. Also 'Canon' which, is a canon within a
canon based on Johann Pachelbel's 'Canon in D Major', also a medley this time
of three different versions of the same piece and is also too large to include
in the show. At risk of going on here also 'Carol of the bells - Pentatonix',
'Where are You Christmas - Faith Hill' and ofc 'Tilted - Christine and the
Queens' for technical and personal reasons :) Right now my current fav of the
moment is my newest piece 'Apateu - Rose and Bruno Mars' which is a lot of fun
and is included in the show :)
4. Did you have any mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to?
I love
dance and respect everyone's individuality. I never forget that art is in the
eye of the beholder and always try to do something different and with meaning.
The people who have influenced me the most would be Red Darkheart who was and
still is my co-instructor and one of the joint co-leaders of our troupes, her
artistic vision always inspires. Rain Torvalar, who is the other co-instructor
and joint co-leaders of the troupes who has an eye for detail that is truly
remarkable! so big waves to them !! *Waves Hi*
5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation?
Hearing a
piece of music or other source of inspiration, and imagining what you can make
from that, and eventually creating a dance that enhances that in some way,
adding in the visuals to bring it another dimension. That creative process is
hard but oh so fulfilling when it comes off well and you get to perform it.
6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance creation?
The most
time consuming and difficult part is selecting the right dances for each piece
and matching them to the music to resonate movement with the sound in a binding
way. Sometimes that leads to a lot of frustration when you can't find exactly
the movement you really want, and can take a lot of time to do as you
envisioned it.
7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to virtual dance?
I would
refer then to two quotes which apply to virtual dance almost as much as real
world dance and they are:
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” - Friedrich Nietzsche
"You have to love dancing to stick to it. It gives you nothing back, no manuscripts to store away, no paintings to show on walls and maybe hang in museums, no poems to be printed and sold, nothing but that single fleeting moment when you feel alive." - Merce Cunningham
Also do what you feel you want to do, don't conform to popularity, create something new and different whenever you can.
8. If you have your own dance troupe, please tell a little bit about it, and its history.
I have a
couple of troupes the oldest being 'Red Starlight' which I run with Red and
Rain and focusses largely, but not exclusively, on neo Burlesque and has been
performing now for some 6 years. Also 'Coffee Espresso' which has also been
performing now for about 4 years and does bigger events like the SL Birthday
events, other events at SLEA and also the Expo events, and is used as the
foundation for other dance acts in the making.
9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.
I'm gonna
assume that chocolate doesn't count as a food and say Pasta ! All sorts but
love fettuccine and spaghetti blanco especially ! Also helps a lot with my
pescatarian diet making things more varied. Favorite drink is possibly
Fentiman's 'Classic Cherry Cola'. I don't drink much alcohol but when I do its
usually fizzy and/or sweet.
10. What activities other than dance do you enjoy?
Aside from
dancing and putting on shows, I did get into scripting in order to help with
stage props and tools for the show some time ago and I'm still doing that.
Similarly building needs lead me into Blender which comes in handy. I've also
done some Role Play, science fiction mainly, but that is another creative vent
for me that I enjoy. More recently I've started recording our pieces
individually in-world at our own studio and loading them to YouTube on our own
channel so that we can always see them
and remember the fun we had making and performing them :)
11. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
In all the
time I've been involved in virtual dance I have had the good fortune to have
along with me people that are as passionate about dance and share the same
desire to push the envelope. We have lots of fun and spur and spark each other
on and I'm ever thankful for that and would not have it any other way. They
know who they are don't you Red ♥ and Rain ♥
Congratulations Leninah on earing your star in Dance Queen's Walk of Fame! It is our hope that our Walk of Fame will remain for a very long time, preserving some of the history of our virtual dance community. As performers, we work long hours, spend a lot of lindens, and pour our souls into our work, in the hopes of touching another soul when we share our creations on stage. Thank you for putting yourself out there and dedicating yourself to creating and sharing imaginative works of art through virtual dance. Thank you for participating in this project and supporting Dance Queens! I look forward to seeing more of your performances. We at Dance Queens wish you continued fulfillment with your dance journey.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Show & Lounge cossette'
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Misfit Dance & Performance Art - UPDATED
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
The Gorean Repertoire
Monday, February 17, 2025
Burlesque Dolls
Crystal Edge Dancers
*~GLITTER~* Dance Troupe
Thursday, February 13, 2025
A Walk of Fame Out of the Box!
What a spectacular Walk of Fame we saw today! It was one act right after another of high-end creativity that graced the ZhaZa Zerbino Stage on the Dance Queens sim. Hestia Namaar and Yvette LaBrune danced their way into history, earning their stars as they shared some of their most metaphoric and provocative dances one could ever hope to see in our virtual world. Every set was fascinating, the choreo was intricate and detailed, the costumes were mesmerising. Below find pictures from the show followed by interviews with each of these imaginative, hard-working performers and finally pictures from their STAR ceremony.
1. How and when did you find Second Life?
I found it purely
by accident in 2017. I saw a link to the "Gorean Zoo" came to
see the Zoo, and I just never left.
2. How and when did you discover virtual dance?
I never heard of it until the Gorean Sim i was in, was
having an OOC Dance night. Now at that time I could not listen to the music,
but I thought it was wonderful!
3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite dances that you have ever created:
it was only performed one time, Rammstein - Deutschland is my favourite purely
because I was so entertained by how much the dancers were engaged in their
roles and clearly having fun with it.
4. Did you have any mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to?
I have to
wave to Debbie, the Gorean Slave that threw me under the Choreo bus initially,
but at this point the people that started me ..are Kely and Yvette, Whom
patiently explained and helped with all my myriad silly questions.
5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation?
That I can do things that
cannot be done in RL. I am still in a box, where i limit myself to a stage
form, but I recognize we can go so far beyond it. otherwise, it still
remains...that my favourite aspect is when people, audience, and dancers,
engage in routines.
6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance creation?
7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to virtual dance?
Don't try to be someone else, and do not tackle more than you
are capable of. Do it slowly, add one new aspect each time.
8. If you have your own dance troupe, please tell a little bit about it, and its history.
you nuts??? thats way too much work!
9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.
PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...and WINE! Pets, I showed dogs for decades,
always Italian Greyhounds. I still have 3 altho at times we had up to 18 and
were on the road every weekend it seemed! We retired from the Circle game
now....and I get my weekends to myself now. Oh...and I have one other
pet..called a Husband. HE IS A HOTTIE!
10. What activities other than dance do you enjoy?
I like to make bread!!!!! and I hate housework
11. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Only one thing
about me comes to mind...I am just a sweet innocent little old grey haired
1. How and when did you find Second Life?
After I got injured at work a friend suggested I try this
magical place she found with purple Deer flying by in a park.
That was early 2010.
I was intrigued!
2. How and when did you discover virtual dance?
I watched a Dance in 2020 and wondered how it was all
created. I was fascinated and determined
to learn. The creative stories I enjoy
so much.
3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite
dances that you have ever created:
Hands is one, it is
very personal for me. My struggle to be
me with all the influences around growing up.
Enya is dedicated to my Grandmother that loved me
unconditionally and was such a wonderful influence in my life.
In The Mind is one that allowed me to step out of my box and
just do something wild.
It was too hard to pick my dances today for the show, so I
had Hestia pick them for me. Each one I
have done is special and has meaning.
4. Did you have any
mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to?
Laycie, I met and
danced with her and she mentored me from start to finish. She got me into
Virtuoso where I learned strict rules for the dance set up. That experience
helped me with the tools. I kept being
me and MY creative mind with support of friends and fellow Choreographers. Watching others grow and develop in the in
the Dance Community has been fun and Paying It Forward is such a good thing.
5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation?
The creativity, the
story in the work. Letting the music talk to me and see where it goes.
6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance
That moment right before you press play and your finger is
7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to
virtual dance?
Learn the tools,
listen and watch others. Tell a
story and make it personal, your best
work comes from inside.
8. If you have your own dance troupe, please tell a little
bit about it, and its history.
9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please
tell us about any pets that you have.
Mexican Food and Seafood are a tie. Coffee is my pleasure.
I work with rescues so I end up with quirky animals at
times. 4 cats right now (a neurotic
one, one eye, Very small with Large complex, and one demanding Black Cat with a voice.)
10. What activities other than dance do you enjoy?
Virtual Photography
11. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
The dance community is wonderful and I enjoy all the shows
and I am constantly amazed by the creativity.
It has been a wonderful adventure for me.
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Hestia and Yvette on earning their stars in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame! It is our hope that this Walk will remain for a very long time as a historical tribute to those to put in an enormous amount of time, money and dedication to create virtual dance in Second Life and share it with the world. This takes bravery, passion and love, a genorosity of spirit and a willingness to be vulnerable. Thank you both for sharing! Thank you for participating in this project and supporting Dance Queens. We wish you joy and creative fulfillment in your future creative endeavors!
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
DQ WoF-Star and Tristan
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Paramount Players
Crystal Debauche
DQ WoF-Leninah Starlight
Saturday, February 8, 2025
DQ WoF-Hestia and Yvette
Friday, February 7, 2025
Thursday, February 6, 2025