Thursday, April 28, 2022
Elysium Cabaret
Debauche @ Wedding & Lingerie Fayre
Ville de Couer, 1pm slt
Spring is in the air and thoughts turn to romance.
Ville de Couer are holding an extra special Wedding and Lingerie Fayre
are delighted to be taking part in this wonderful event.A special show to match the theme will be held on
Friday 29th of April, at Ville de Couer, 1pm SLT.
Come join us in this celebration of love, romance and marriage
See you all there.
Say "I do"!!
Here's Your Ride!
Debauche - Stronger Together
The Adult Partnership, Stronger Together, 1pm slt
The Adult Partnership (TAP) is holding a special event this week urging us to be Stronger Together in the fight against cancer.
This is a registered Relay For Life event.
Debauche are deeply honoured and proud to be taking a very active part in this event.
Many of us, like many of you, have had our lives effected by cancer
and feel privileged to join in the fight.
This will be a very special show indeed.
Be advised, TAP is adult in nature and the event will take place on an Adult sim.
Saturday 30th April,
TAP, Stronger Together, 1pm SLT
Debauche @ Tuscany
Please come and join Debauche as we visit one of our favourite venues. Tuscany is the location and we are so looking forward to dancing here
We will dance firm favourites which are truly amazing, from the loving romantic to pure dancing and then the adventurous routines
Sexy, Little bit naughty but always classy, that's Debauche
Sunday 1st May at 1pm slt Debauche visit the Tuscany
Here's Your Ride!
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Oasis Dancers @ Fantasy Faire
Oasis Dancers at Fantasy Faire - Colors of Dance
Special instructions: Please leave your scripted items at home!
SLURL/LM: (drag and drop the landmark to this notecard)
InMotion @ Wedding Faire
2022-04-30 12 PM - 1 PM
InMotion Dance Show @Wedding Faire
Special instructions/: Low complexity
Ballet Pixelle
"Things That Fly" by Mynx Dance Company
Sunday, May 1 at 1 PM SLT
"Things That Fly" by Mynx Dance Company
"Things that Fly" is the theme for this show it was selected from a long list of themes that were offered by our very own Evangelina.
Choreographers soared letting their imagination take them to new heights and came up great versions of that theme.
Monday, April 25, 2022
Just Dance!
Friday, April 22, 2022
Fantasy Faire 2022!
Sarabande Theater
Thursday, April 21, 2022
MADD Modelz Show
We're all MADD here!
It's a very important date! Please join us to celebrate 4 years with MADD MODELZ! This guarantees to be a super fun fashion show, full of personality and features a special dance performance by Babypea of Elysium Cabaret! Followed by music and an after party with DJ Mercie. Bring friends and come get MADD with us!
Sunday, April 24th at 12pm SLT
Follow us down the rabbit hole:
Elysium Cabaret - Welcome To The Weekend!
If it’s Friday, it’s Elysium Cabaret! Fancy some imagination in a fun social setting? In The Empire Room at Copperhead Road, every Friday at 6pm SLT, the dynamic performers of Elysium Cabaret take the stage to bring you a solid hour of entertainment!
Featuring elaborate sets, stunning costumes and choreography sequenced to an eclectic genre of music, Elysium Cabaret offers something for everyone.
This weeks line up:
- Babypea
- Sakura
- Taema
- Dear
- Christee
- Corri
- Mavrick
- Babypea (crowd)
*Studies show arriving to the sim early lowers blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes hair growth*
We also offer a ‘best of the past month’ matinèe the last Saturday of every month at 1pm SLT, for our friends who can’t make it to our Friday evening shows. See you there!
Welcome to the Weekend!
Your escorted limo:
Show & Lounge cossette'
LTW-Dance XCetera
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Queens of Burlesque
FF- The ChangHigh Trinity Sisters of Light, Life and Love
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Misfit Dance & Performance Art At RFL Fantasy Faire
Monday, April 18, 2022
Blue Moon Cabaret Theatre
SLT Sat 23rd April Doors open at 2.30pm. Show starts at 3. Afterparty til 4.30.
Blue Moon Cabaret Theatre
Blue Moon – The Video!
The Blue Moon is pretending to be a ‘proper’ theatre again, and as a Dance Queens member you are cordially invited to come over on Saturday and heckle the folk on stage while we make a commemorative video! Yes, we are attempting to preserve the quintessential Moons experience and store it on the interwebs for posterity. Do you want to have your avatar on screen as an audience member? Do you want your Local Chat witticisms caught in amber on YouTube? We have the technology! Well, not us – obviously. We’re still in the technical stone-age as ever. But we’ve borrowed the skills of Chewie Quixote and team to create something lovely.
So please come over, sit back and be entertained. We’ll do our best to run all 6 acts without a hitch, but it will definitely help if you have your expectations on the lowest possible setting… Unvideo-ed dance party after to decompress after your starring role ;-)
This event is invite only (so we don’t openly attract griefers…) but you are welcome to invite/bring non-griefer friends by all means!
Special instructions/dress code if one:
Dress for the camera!
Your Ride To The Event!
FF-Black Heart Theater
Crystal Edge
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Sarabande Theater
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Elysium Cabaret - Welcome To The Weekend
If it’s Friday, it’s Elysium Cabaret! Fancy some imagination in a fun social setting? In The Empire Room at Copperhead Road, every Friday at 6pm SLT, the dynamic performers of Elysium Cabaret take the stage to bring you a solid hour of entertainment!
Featuring elaborate sets, stunning costumes and choreography sequenced to an eclectic genre of music, Elysium Cabaret offers something for everyone.
This weeks line up:
- Diva
- Nadi
- Yancy
- Christee
- Ember
- Rory
- Babypea
- Bianka (crowd)
*Studies show arriving to the sim early lowers blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes hair growth*
We also offer a ‘best of the past month’ matinèe the last Saturday of every month at 1pm SLT, for our friends who can’t make it to our Friday evening shows. See you there!
Welcome to the Weekend!
Your escorted limo:
Crystal Edge/Debauche
Muse Dance Co.
LTW-Allegro Dance Company
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Crystal Edge/Debauche
Faces of Dance

Sponsor : aRRo winery
Vendredi, le 15 avril à 21h30 (12.30 pm slt) au théâtre des Moonshine dancers
Venez admirer notre tout nouveau spectacle "BURLESQUE", où l'élégance, le charme et la séduction transforment la scène en un show glamour !
Nous vous prions d'être présent un quart d'heure avant le début de la représentation .
Pour limiter le lag et garantir une bonne fluidité du spectacle , veuillez réduire vos scripts à 50 maximum . Merci !
Friday, April 15 at 12.30 pm slt at the Moonshine dancers theater
Marvel at our brand new show "BURLESQUE", where elegance, charm and seduction transform the stage into a glamorous show!
Please be at the theater fifteen minutes before the start of the show.
In order to reduce lagg and have a smooth performance of the show , pleace reduce your scripts at maximum 50. Thank you a lot !
Freitag, den 15. April um 21:30 Uhr (12.30 pm slt) im Theater der Moonshine dancers
Bewundern Sie unsere brandneue Show "BURLESQUE", bei der Eleganz, Charme und Verführung die Bühne in eine glamouröse Show verwandeln!
Wir bitten Sie, eine Viertelstunde vor Beginn der Aufführung anwesend zu sein.
Reduzieren Sie Ihre Skripte auf maximal 50, um die Verzögerung zu begrenzen und eine reibungslose Leistung zu gewährleisten. Vielen Dank !
Paramount Players
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Friday, April 8, 2022
Theatre 6
Oasis Dancers @ LTW
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Elysium Cabaret - Welcome to The Weekend!
If it’s Friday, it’s Elysium Cabaret! Fancy some imagination in a fun social setting? In The Empire Room at Copperhead Road, every Friday at 6pm SLT, the dynamic performers of Elysium Cabaret take the stage to bring you a solid hour of entertainment!
Featuring elaborate sets, stunning costumes and choreography sequenced to an eclectic genre of music, Elysium Cabaret offers something for everyone.
This weeks line up:
- Chrissy
- Ariel
- Dear
- Azdra
- Sarah
- Wiz
- Mikiko
- Rhea
- Eva (crowd)
*Studies show arriving to the sim early lowers blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes hair growth*
We also offer a ‘best of the past month’ matinèe the last Saturday of every month at 1pm SLT, for our friends who can’t make it to our Friday evening shows. See you there!
Welcome to the Weekend!
Your escorted limo: