Thursday, October 27, 2016
Breezes Dancers Halloween Show
Breezes Dancers have a spooky Halloween Show and will be performing it at Breezes Theatre on 30 October. This is a show of 5 Acts and lasts about 50 minutes.
There will be a party afterwards for everyone to enjoy the spooky fun.
Where: Breezes Theatre, Riviera Island
Date: Sunday 30 October 2016
Time: 1pm slt
Dress: Halloween outfits or Formal
slurl: slurl:
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
** We hope to see you there as the Phoenix Dance team and the Vlad Family enjoy the Night Of the Wolf
** DJ for the night will be Cara Kendall
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Elysium Haunting at Phantasmic Village
Are you a ghoul, goblin, or perhaps an evil spirit? A ghost, a witch, a warlock or werewolf? Well! It is time for YOU to come out and play! Elysium Cabaret brings you a haunted show as part of the spookalicious Halloween world created by Lex and Misty on LEA9, followed by a dance party complete with costume contest. Come check out the sim, bring your friends and family, and make a night of it! So much to explore, see and do. Your next adventure is here!
Wednesday, October 26th at 6pm SLT
Monday, October 24, 2016
The Velvet Vixen - Halloween Nightmare
The Velvet Vixen
Halloween Nightmare
Monday October 24th 2016
Ghosts, witches and creatures of the night. Don't miss this calling on Monday night. Come one, come all in threads of the season. If you miss this show it's an act of treason. The Foxy dancers of the Velvet Vixen proudly present their Halloween Nightmare. Monday, October 24th, doors open at 5:30pm show starts at 6pm
(This is a new location)
Kittens 'n' Tigers This Thursday!
We would like to welcome you to our Thursday Show at the NEWLY REFURBISHED Waterfront Theatre.
THURSDAY 27th OCTOBER 2016 @ 2.30pm SLT - doors open 2pm
The show consists of 30-35 minutes of fabulous dance sets, fun, laughter and friends.
Choreographed by our wonderful Diddy Hyun and performed by Kittens 'n' Tigers
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
The New Brighton Bells Perform at Seagull Arcade

3pm SLT Thursday 20th October
It's Halloween with Misfit Dance and Performance art!

Come Join the Fun!
Misfit Dance Showcase of Dance Art
Tuesday October 18th at 7 pm SL
Our awesome pre-show music begins at 6 pm SL!
The Misfit's are proud to bring you a full production show that we promise will make you smile! We will be " Rockin' Goblins" & "Monster Mashin' " to be sure!
Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Fantasya ★·.·´`·.·✰.. CABARET ..✰·.·´`·.·★
Fantasya is pleased to welcome you for a dream with its NEW show :
★·.·´`·.·✰.. CABARET ..✰·.·´`·.·★
Completely remixed ... Come discover or rediscover
Friday 14 th October 2016 at 12:30 PM SLT
▶▶ This show is limited to 20 persons
Elize Meili and Adeternam will be pleased to add you on our guests list :-)
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Animation Creation Workshop
Preface: Though I am not a choreographer, I do understand the importance of Inarra Saarinen's proposed discussion. How many times have you found the /almost/ perfect animation for your act/routine? How many times have you thought "Oh, if only..." If only, what? If only it didn't have that bit at the front! If only they would sync properly! If this is you, then READ ON! If you are an animator or scripter, then READ ON! These JIRA deserve our attention.
-Fukuju Amaterasu
October 12, 2016 (FINAL edit: 15OCT16)
Hi all movers (and shakers :-)
I am the artistic director of Ballet Pixelle.
Ballet Pixelle uses original animations (almost all created by myself). The dancers do not use any HUDs, poseballs, or synchronizing devices of any kind!
In SL, only 26 bones of the 206 bones in the human body are allowed. And SL animations always return to the starting position -- that's why you sometimes see "snapback". Synchronization of when you and another person see movement is dependent on each each person's client-SL server latency, load, and bandwidth. And importantly, the music is from a different source (server) than the animations and that path and latency to each person is different.
I am proposing an advanced group discussion and workshop on "Animation Creation". I think [JIRA] BUG-7729 (llStartAnimationSynced() would be a good starting point. I would love to exchange information with people smarter than me! It would be open to all who create animations, but especially dance animators and scripters. Would you or someone you know be interested? Please let me know by IM or notecard.
Inarra Saarinen
Artistic Director
Animator & Choreographerr
Ballet Pixelle
A good introduction:
Haravikk Mistral updated BUG-7729:
h1. How would you like the feature to work?
This proposal is for the following new function:
{code:title=New Function}llStartAnimationSynced(string anim, list timestamp);{code}
It behaves identically to [{{llStartAnimation()}}|] except that it takes an additional parameter specifying a timestamp with millisecond accuracy. The first value in the timestamp takes the time in seconds (such as you would get with [{{llGetUnixTime()}}|]) and the second is a fractional part for milliseconds, nanoseconds etc, with a view toward SL gaining a function to provide such a timestamp directly (see [{{llGetUnixTimeFraction()}}|]).
Basically when an animation is triggered this way, the time-stamp is used to determine when the animation should have started. When the animation does eventually download on the viewer, the viewer can then synchronise the animation to this time-stamp, likewise when the animation loops etc.
For example, if I were to call {{llStartAnimationSynced()}} with the current timestamp, triggering a 30 second animation that takes 10 seconds to download. Then instead of the viewer playing the animation from the start, it would play from 10 seconds in. If another viewer connects and a looping, synchronised animation is already in progress then it will likewise try to start from the correct point; for example if the animation is still 30 seconds, but was synchronised to a time 140 seconds ago, then the animation should begin at the 20 second (140 modulo 30) mark.
h1. Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?
Currently animations in SL are a bit of a crapshoot; you trigger an animation but have no idea when it will download for each nearby viewer, which can result in all kinds of oddities such as an avatar suddenly doing something that is no longer relevant.
Even worse is when two animations are supposed to occur simultaneously, or a single animation is supposed to coincide with some kind of object effect. For example say you wanted to give another avatar a high-five; the action necessarily requires two different animations (unlike most hug emotes) but with no way to synchronise them you will almost always end up with each avatar slapping wildly at the air, unless the animations were already cached from earlier.
h1. How would you like the feature to work?
This proposal is for the following new function:
{code:title=New Function}llStartAnimationSynced(string anim, integer tsSeconds, float tsFraction);{code}
It behaves identically to [llStartAnimation ()|] except that it takes two additional parameters specifying a timestamp. The first takes the timestamp in seconds (such as you would get with [llGetUnixTime()|]) and the second is a fractional part for milliseconds, nanoseconds etc, with a view toward SL gaining a function to provide such a timestamp.
Basically when an animation is triggered this way, the time-stamp is used to determine when the animation should have started. When the animation does eventually download on the viewer, the viewer can then synchronise the animation to this time-stamp, likewise when the animation loops etc.
For example, if I were to call {{llStartAnimationSynced()}} with the current timestamp, triggering a 30 second animation that takes 10 seconds to download. Then instead of the viewer playing the animation from the start, it would play from 10 seconds in. If another viewer connects and a looping, synchronised animation is already in progress then it will likewise try to start from the correct point; for example if the animation is still 30 seconds, but was synchronised to a time 140 seconds ago, then the animation should begin at the 20 second (140 modulo 30) mark.
I just want to note that the time-stamp implementation isn't strict; it depends what the best way to implement it would be since LSL still has no support for 64-bit integers. Unless we're going to get 64-bit support in LSL any time soon, then integer + float is my preferred method, as it gives good compatibility with the widest range of functions including [llSleep()|] for example.
h1. Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?
Currently animations in SL are a bit of a crapshoot; you trigger an animation but have no idea when it will download for each nearby viewer, which can result in all kinds of oddities such as an avatar suddenly doing something that is no longer relevant.
Even worse is when two animations are supposed to occur simultaneously, or a single animation is supposed to coincide with some kind of object effect. For example say you wanted to give another avatar a high-five; the action necessarily requires two different animations (unlike most hug emotes) but with no way to synchronise them you will almost always end up with each avatar slapping wildly at the air, unless the animations were already cached from earlier.
> llStartAnimationSynced() - synchronised animation support
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Key: BUG-7729
> URL:
> Project: 1. BUG Project
> Issue Type: New Feature Request
> Security Level: Public
> Environment: Feature
> Reporter: Haravikk Mistral
> h1. How would you like the feature to work?
> This proposal is for the following new function:
> {code:title=New Function}llStartAnimationSynced(string anim, list timestamp);{code}
> It behaves identically to [{{llStartAnimation()}}|] except that it takes an additional parameter specifying a timestamp with millisecond accuracy. The first value in the timestamp takes the time in seconds (such as you would get with [{{llGetUnixTime()}}|]) and the second is a fractional part for milliseconds, nanoseconds etc, with a view toward SL gaining a function to provide such a timestamp directly (see [{{llGetUnixTimeFraction()}}|]).
> Basically when an animation is triggered this way, the time-stamp is used to determine when the animation should have started. When the animation does eventually download on the viewer, the viewer can then synchronise the animation to this time-stamp, likewise when the animation loops etc.
> For example, if I were to call {{llStartAnimationSynced()}} with the current timestamp, triggering a 30 second animation that takes 10 seconds to download. Then instead of the viewer playing the animation from the start, it would play from 10 seconds in. If another viewer connects and a looping, synchronised animation is already in progress then it will likewise try to start from the correct point; for example if the animation is still 30 seconds, but was synchronised to a time 140 seconds ago, then the animation should begin at the 20 second (140 modulo 30) mark.
> h1. Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?
> Currently animations in SL are a bit of a crapshoot; you trigger an animation but have no idea when it will download for each nearby viewer, which can result in all kinds of oddities such as an avatar suddenly doing something that is no longer relevant.
> Even worse is when two animations are supposed to occur simultaneously, or a single animation is supposed to coincide with some kind of object effect. For example say you wanted to give another avatar a high-five; the action necessarily requires two different animations (unlike most hug emotes) but with no way to synchronise them you will almost always end up with each avatar slapping wildly at the air, unless the animations were already cached from earlier.
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-Fukuju Amaterasu
October 12, 2016 (FINAL edit: 15OCT16)
Hi all movers (and shakers :-)
I am the artistic director of Ballet Pixelle.
Ballet Pixelle uses original animations (almost all created by myself). The dancers do not use any HUDs, poseballs, or synchronizing devices of any kind!
In SL, only 26 bones of the 206 bones in the human body are allowed. And SL animations always return to the starting position -- that's why you sometimes see "snapback". Synchronization of when you and another person see movement is dependent on each each person's client-SL server latency, load, and bandwidth. And importantly, the music is from a different source (server) than the animations and that path and latency to each person is different.
I am proposing an advanced group discussion and workshop on "Animation Creation". I think [JIRA] BUG-7729 (llStartAnimationSynced() would be a good starting point. I would love to exchange information with people smarter than me! It would be open to all who create animations, but especially dance animators and scripters. Would you or someone you know be interested? Please let me know by IM or notecard.
Inarra Saarinen
Artistic Director
Animator & Choreographerr
Ballet Pixelle
A good introduction:
Haravikk Mistral updated BUG-7729:
h1. How would you like the feature to work?
This proposal is for the following new function:
{code:title=New Function}llStartAnimationSynced(string anim, list timestamp);{code}
It behaves identically to [{{llStartAnimation()}}|] except that it takes an additional parameter specifying a timestamp with millisecond accuracy. The first value in the timestamp takes the time in seconds (such as you would get with [{{llGetUnixTime()}}|]) and the second is a fractional part for milliseconds, nanoseconds etc, with a view toward SL gaining a function to provide such a timestamp directly (see [{{llGetUnixTimeFraction()}}|]).
Basically when an animation is triggered this way, the time-stamp is used to determine when the animation should have started. When the animation does eventually download on the viewer, the viewer can then synchronise the animation to this time-stamp, likewise when the animation loops etc.
For example, if I were to call {{llStartAnimationSynced()}} with the current timestamp, triggering a 30 second animation that takes 10 seconds to download. Then instead of the viewer playing the animation from the start, it would play from 10 seconds in. If another viewer connects and a looping, synchronised animation is already in progress then it will likewise try to start from the correct point; for example if the animation is still 30 seconds, but was synchronised to a time 140 seconds ago, then the animation should begin at the 20 second (140 modulo 30) mark.
h1. Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?
Currently animations in SL are a bit of a crapshoot; you trigger an animation but have no idea when it will download for each nearby viewer, which can result in all kinds of oddities such as an avatar suddenly doing something that is no longer relevant.
Even worse is when two animations are supposed to occur simultaneously, or a single animation is supposed to coincide with some kind of object effect. For example say you wanted to give another avatar a high-five; the action necessarily requires two different animations (unlike most hug emotes) but with no way to synchronise them you will almost always end up with each avatar slapping wildly at the air, unless the animations were already cached from earlier.
h1. How would you like the feature to work?
This proposal is for the following new function:
{code:title=New Function}llStartAnimationSynced(string anim, integer tsSeconds, float tsFraction);{code}
It behaves identically to [llStartAnimation ()|] except that it takes two additional parameters specifying a timestamp. The first takes the timestamp in seconds (such as you would get with [llGetUnixTime()|]) and the second is a fractional part for milliseconds, nanoseconds etc, with a view toward SL gaining a function to provide such a timestamp.
Basically when an animation is triggered this way, the time-stamp is used to determine when the animation should have started. When the animation does eventually download on the viewer, the viewer can then synchronise the animation to this time-stamp, likewise when the animation loops etc.
For example, if I were to call {{llStartAnimationSynced()}} with the current timestamp, triggering a 30 second animation that takes 10 seconds to download. Then instead of the viewer playing the animation from the start, it would play from 10 seconds in. If another viewer connects and a looping, synchronised animation is already in progress then it will likewise try to start from the correct point; for example if the animation is still 30 seconds, but was synchronised to a time 140 seconds ago, then the animation should begin at the 20 second (140 modulo 30) mark.
I just want to note that the time-stamp implementation isn't strict; it depends what the best way to implement it would be since LSL still has no support for 64-bit integers. Unless we're going to get 64-bit support in LSL any time soon, then integer + float is my preferred method, as it gives good compatibility with the widest range of functions including [llSleep()|] for example.
h1. Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?
Currently animations in SL are a bit of a crapshoot; you trigger an animation but have no idea when it will download for each nearby viewer, which can result in all kinds of oddities such as an avatar suddenly doing something that is no longer relevant.
Even worse is when two animations are supposed to occur simultaneously, or a single animation is supposed to coincide with some kind of object effect. For example say you wanted to give another avatar a high-five; the action necessarily requires two different animations (unlike most hug emotes) but with no way to synchronise them you will almost always end up with each avatar slapping wildly at the air, unless the animations were already cached from earlier.
> llStartAnimationSynced() - synchronised animation support
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Key: BUG-7729
> URL:
> Project: 1. BUG Project
> Issue Type: New Feature Request
> Security Level: Public
> Environment: Feature
> Reporter: Haravikk Mistral
> h1. How would you like the feature to work?
> This proposal is for the following new function:
> {code:title=New Function}llStartAnimationSynced(string anim, list timestamp);{code}
> It behaves identically to [{{llStartAnimation()}}|] except that it takes an additional parameter specifying a timestamp with millisecond accuracy. The first value in the timestamp takes the time in seconds (such as you would get with [{{llGetUnixTime()}}|]) and the second is a fractional part for milliseconds, nanoseconds etc, with a view toward SL gaining a function to provide such a timestamp directly (see [{{llGetUnixTimeFraction()}}|]).
> Basically when an animation is triggered this way, the time-stamp is used to determine when the animation should have started. When the animation does eventually download on the viewer, the viewer can then synchronise the animation to this time-stamp, likewise when the animation loops etc.
> For example, if I were to call {{llStartAnimationSynced()}} with the current timestamp, triggering a 30 second animation that takes 10 seconds to download. Then instead of the viewer playing the animation from the start, it would play from 10 seconds in. If another viewer connects and a looping, synchronised animation is already in progress then it will likewise try to start from the correct point; for example if the animation is still 30 seconds, but was synchronised to a time 140 seconds ago, then the animation should begin at the 20 second (140 modulo 30) mark.
> h1. Why is this feature important to you? How would it benefit the community?
> Currently animations in SL are a bit of a crapshoot; you trigger an animation but have no idea when it will download for each nearby viewer, which can result in all kinds of oddities such as an avatar suddenly doing something that is no longer relevant.
> Even worse is when two animations are supposed to occur simultaneously, or a single animation is supposed to coincide with some kind of object effect. For example say you wanted to give another avatar a high-five; the action necessarily requires two different animations (unlike most hug emotes) but with no way to synchronise them you will almost always end up with each avatar slapping wildly at the air, unless the animations were already cached from earlier.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Monarchs Announce Additional Dates for Imagine Too!
Imagine Too will return to LEA17 this weekend! And YOU are invited!
October 14th, 9pm slt
October 15th, 1pm slt
Did you miss the first round of shows? Or do you want to see this massive sim-wide production again? Now is your chance!
Imagine Too – a journey into stories of wonder and magic. Come with us to Wonderland, to Oz, come see a chocolate factory that’s one of a kind, travel to ancient China or dance in the heart of London! And there is much more to see!

Kittens 'n' Tigers Take To The Stage!
THURSDAY, 13th OCTOBER 2016 @ 2.30pm SLT - Doors open at 2pm.
We would like welcome you all to The Waterfront Theatre with a smile on our face and welcome old and new friends.
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Kittens 'n' Tigers
We are truly grateful to you all who visit and attend our shows and hope to have memorable moments throughout the years.
Party afterwards outside on the terrace or chill out and have a swing in the park
Saturday, October 8, 2016
_,.-:*'´ `* DoL DANCER'S CHALLENGE *´`'*:-.,_
Date: Saturday 12th November, 2016
Time: Show at 3pm (See Details Below)
Where: DoL HQ
Apply Here:
Something a little different to tickle the fancy of those game enough to step up to the plate! In November, Dancing Outside the Lines is bringing back the challenge where choreographers will participate in a game of chance for their song and create a routine from scratch right before our very eyes. We encourage spectators who would like to wander between the builds (there will be marked pathways) to get a rare glimpse into the artistic process.
The day's schedule will run as follows;
Creating Time: 10:30am-2pm SLT
Show Time: 3pm SLT
Here is how it works, the DoL Staff will choose an eclectic variety of songs, the names of which will be put into a game of chance (wheel, gatcha machine etc) for each dancer to click. Once they have their song, they will move to their designated build space to begin work. There will be approximately 3 hours allocated for creation of a simple set, choreography and costuming --- Anything goes!
Dancers may choose to use all of this time or only part, however they will be responsible for all expenses and pose-ball-sitters. We will have dancers from the DoL group available and many will happily double or triple up on routines, however we strongly suggest you have your own crew lined up if you intend to do a group routine.
**NOTE: Tips from the show itself will be divided amongst the dancers, host and DJ as is standard.
Date: Saturday 12th November, 2016
Time: Show at 3pm (See Details Below)
Where: DoL HQ
Apply Here:
Something a little different to tickle the fancy of those game enough to step up to the plate! In November, Dancing Outside the Lines is bringing back the challenge where choreographers will participate in a game of chance for their song and create a routine from scratch right before our very eyes. We encourage spectators who would like to wander between the builds (there will be marked pathways) to get a rare glimpse into the artistic process.
The day's schedule will run as follows;
Creating Time: 10:30am-2pm SLT
Show Time: 3pm SLT
Here is how it works, the DoL Staff will choose an eclectic variety of songs, the names of which will be put into a game of chance (wheel, gatcha machine etc) for each dancer to click. Once they have their song, they will move to their designated build space to begin work. There will be approximately 3 hours allocated for creation of a simple set, choreography and costuming --- Anything goes!
Dancers may choose to use all of this time or only part, however they will be responsible for all expenses and pose-ball-sitters. We will have dancers from the DoL group available and many will happily double or triple up on routines, however we strongly suggest you have your own crew lined up if you intend to do a group routine.
**NOTE: Tips from the show itself will be divided amongst the dancers, host and DJ as is standard.
Friday, October 7, 2016
Ankle Locks: Achilles Heel? - The Rest of the Story...
The following article was written by and submitted to me by Usher Piers. I think it speaks for itself. I have no concrete opinion at this moment by my eyes are wide open and I am leaning towards 'the facts' as presented since I currently have no reason to doubt until I do my own due diligence... which is unlikely to ever happen.
So going forward I expect that I will trust that what he says has worthy merit going forward.
Ankle Locks keep your ankles in a certain position. There seem to be two types of ankle locks
B-ware ankle locks
B-ware ankle locks use a script that causes 27 or more script events per second. (* see references)
That makes 1620 script events per minute. This makes 97.200 script events per hour on a single avatar.
[ Let's say at an event six avatars are using these ankle locks, they would cause 582.200 script events per hour.
Lets say there are 50 avatars in the audience. This means roughly 30 million script events p.h. sent over the web ]
Beware ankle locks are HIGH LAG and a huge waist of individual bandwidth and general sim resources.
A-ware ankle locks
These use a higher priority ankle pose (pr. 5 or pr. 6), started just once or twice per session, causing next to zero
script events per second.
[ So let's look at the A-ware ankle lock that causes 0 script events per second
0 events x 60 sec x 60 min x 6 ankle-lock-users x 50 avatars in sim = 0 = ZERO LAG ]
Should not the choice be clear?
To see what your ankle lock does in Firestorm Viewer go to Developer menu -> Avatar -> Animation Info
* to show Developer menu press ctrl+alt+q
In Singularity: Advanced menu (ctrl+alt+d) -> Character -> Animation Info
Example of what you would see:
If you see a column of text over your head indicating a huge stack of active priority-4 poses playing simultaneously, you know your ankle lock is B-ware.
If you see a steady text displaying just a single or even a double priority 5 or priority 6 ankle animation your lock is A-ware and you're good to go.
If not convinced you could go to an empty homestead and check in stats / sim statistics - Script Events per Second (eps) before and after attaching your ankle lock. Doing this you'll find out that B-ware ankle locks use 27 (some up to 45) eps.
Or for a quick comparison you could simply right-click your attached ankle lock and select: Script Info from the menu to compare this value with values of other ankle locks you might own.
Alu - Ankle Lock (wear me)': [1/1] running scripts, 16 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.000572 ms of CPU time consumed ~ this HUD can be rotated to make it smaller or moved to a hud location just off your screen.
B-ware: Broken Ankle Fix - Ankle Lock v1.0': [1/1] running scripts, 64 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.034079 ms of CPU time consumed. ~ this ankle lock is to be avoided when you go to crowded regions.
Vestige Fix AnkleLock 64 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.045808 ms of CPU time consumed. (this one is does not show as an obvious repeater in Animation Info)
B-ware - HIGH LAG - ANKLE LOCKS are:
Strawberry Singh v1 - 64 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.034079 ms of CPU time consumed
Strawberry Singh v2 - 64 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.004522 ms of CPU time consumed
unbra - 16 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.020546 ms of CPU time consumed. (36 times as much as aLu
sam's - an obvious animation repeater
Vestige Fix AnkleLock 64 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.045808 ms of CPU time consumed.
A-ware - LOW LAG - ANKLE LOCKS are:
alu - ankle lock Hud - 16 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.000572 ms of CPU time consumed == TOP FAV ==
spot on - 64 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.002209 ms of CPU time consumed
* Reference: On the SL-wiki we can find an example of a 'B-ware' script starting the animation every 0.05 secs.
Hint: take the high lag ankle locks out of your outfits and replace them by links to low lag ankle locks.
- revision 2016-10-07 - Usher Piers
To my Presentations and Performances at the LEA29 SIM
* Sunday 9th October - An Introduction to Choreography in SL ~ 1pm slt *
* Sunday 13th November - Bigger Steps for Performance in SL ~ 1pm slt *
* Sunday 11th December - Master Class Performing Arts SL ~ 1pm slt *
Just come along, enjoy, learn, experience, share.
_/i\_ Earth Meditation / World Dance - Friday 14th Oct
_/i\_ Fire Meditation / World Dance - Friday 4th Nov
_/i\_ Air Meditation / World Dance - Friday 18th Nov
_/I\_ Water Meditation / World Dance - Friday 16th Dec
THE DARKNESS - THE ORDINARY WORLD - the need for change.
THE MOUNTAIN - THE EXTRAORDINARY WORLD - the challenges of change.
THE RETURN TO THE ORDINARY WORLD - the discovery and new found strength of the Brave
To my Presentations and Performances at the LEA29 SIM
* Sunday 9th October - An Introduction to Choreography in SL ~ 1pm slt *
* Sunday 13th November - Bigger Steps for Performance in SL ~ 1pm slt *
* Sunday 11th December - Master Class Performing Arts SL ~ 1pm slt *
Just come along, enjoy, learn, experience, share.
_/i\_ Earth Meditation / World Dance - Friday 14th Oct
_/i\_ Fire Meditation / World Dance - Friday 4th Nov
_/i\_ Air Meditation / World Dance - Friday 18th Nov
_/I\_ Water Meditation / World Dance - Friday 16th Dec
THE DARKNESS - THE ORDINARY WORLD - the need for change.
THE MOUNTAIN - THE EXTRAORDINARY WORLD - the challenges of change.
THE RETURN TO THE ORDINARY WORLD - the discovery and new found strength of the Brave
The Night Theater helps celebrate Fallen Gods Inc.

The Night Theater have the honor of being a part of the celebrations of the Fallen Gods, Inc 9th anniversary festivities!
With a show inspired by the work of Alia Baroque's skins and builds, this year with a focus on Egyptian Mythology, we hope to entertain and dazzle you.
Come and join the divinity on the rooftop garden on Selsidor on one of these 2 showdates:
Friday the 7th of October @ 3pm slt
Thursday the 13th of October @ 1pm slt
Please arrive early as the different aspects of the show need time to load into your viewers and the sim may get full. Also, if you can help reduce lagg by reducing scripting and such we are very thankful and the show should run smoother for everybody;)
Hope to see you there and Happy 9 years Fallen Gods!
Fallen Gods - Theater Garden
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Fantasya World Tour
Fantasya is pleased to welcome you for a dream with its NEW show :
★·.·´`·.·✰.. Fantasya World Tour ..✰·.·´`·.·★
Completely remixed ... Come discover or rediscover
Friday 7 th October 2016 at 12:30 PM SLT
▶▶ This show is limited to 20 persons
Elize Meili and Adeternam will be pleased to add you on our guests list :-)
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
PHOENIX DANCE TEAM "Make Strides Against Breast Cancer Awareness"
❊ ❉❊ ❉ SATURDAY - OCTOBER 8TH @ 6PM ❊ ❉❊ ❉❊
Please join us Saturday evening, October 8th at 6pm slt for our night performance at the Phoenix Theater. We will be dedicating our performance in hopes to help Make Strides Against Breast Cancer Awareness.
The night will be filled with very talented dancers, directors and choreographers from all over Second Life. We will have the very talented company of a guest directors this week - Aiyta & Gunner VonPhoenix. We hope that you enjoy your time with us.
Directors for the night will be :
❊ ❉ Sebastain Bourne
❊ ❉ SouthernComfort Magic
❊ ❉ Nadiu Zsun
❊ ❉ Kellan Dubrovna
❊ ❉ Lily Pussycat
❊ ❉ Nevar Lobo
❊ ❉ Adam & Muse Magic
❊ Fuku
❊ Alex
❊ Litz
❊ Ahn
❊ Dyhann
❊ JP
❊ Sendar
Our Hostess for the night will be Jessica Marabana
Our DJ for the night will be Caranora Kendall
Our Photographer - Deb Destiny
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❊ ❉ To ensure the best possible viewing during the show, it's best to position your camera in the front of the stage so it gives time for your viewer to read everything that will be there for the show.
❊ ❉ As always, we do please ask that you remove any extra scripts that you will not be using during our show. With it being a small area, you will experience lag and we do apologize for that, however, there isn't much that we can do. We would like to have everyone script down to at least 100 to help with the dancers that will be on the stage. It's also suggested that you lower your draw distance to at least 100, this way your viewer won't have to work so hard reading everything past that which will also help with lag on your end.
❊ ❉ You can also remove the name tags above the dancers head if you so choose so. To do that, it will be in your preferences section under the general tab for your viewer.
❊ ❉ Please remain seated during the performance. The less that everyone is moving around, the better it is for the lag situation.
❊ ❉ Music will be streamed so please make sure you have it enabled so that you can also enjoy the music as it's being played.
❊ ❉ There are 3 tips jars near the front of the stage. One is for the DJ.. one is for the Host and the other is for the directors for the show. Tipping is not mandatory to enjoy the show, but it is greatly appreciated.
"The Atlantis Variety Hour"
"The Atlantis Variety Hour"
Thursday, October 6th @ 5pm
Variety is the spice of life and variety shows are one of the oldest forms of showbiz razzle dazzle.
Atlantis Grand Theatre is pleased to present their monthly entertainment, offering something for everyone. Each month we feature a revolving door of creators and dancers showcasing their favorites.
Hope to see you there !
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Boo-tiful Paramount Players
The Paramount Players do a monthly "after hours" show, October 8th, 15th & 22nd. Starting at 7pm slt... we bring bring you the same performance quality we do at our Saturday shows, maybe a little more skin... little less costume.
We are taking our Night Players after hours show into the darkness of the Halloween night. Our Halloween show is full of scarey things... Halloween.... candy... dancing! Come and enjoy a Saturday night with the Players! Some acts do contain adult content.
Elysium's "Lure of the Siren"
Elysium Cabaret is happy to invite you to attend a very special show, in celebration of WATERWORLD, the spectacular and super fun new build by Lex and Misty at LEA9. Another Linden Endowment for the Arts project, this time Lex and Misty will take you under the sea for exploration, adventure, and a heap of fun! This show will be followed by a underwater ball. Dress as your fave sea creature for a chance to win a prize! Come by any time and explore the sim, have fun with the many activities and events planned!
Monday, October 3rd at 6pm SLT
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