Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Remay and Rosie Dance Into History!

 What an amazing show!  Resmay Bloodstorm and Rosie Arnaz danced into history by earning their STAR in Dance Queens' Walk of Fame.  They shared the stage, each performing a combined mini-show of four acts for a total of eight acts... a brilliant one-hour show that mesmerized the audience.  They each brought some of their favorite acts and presented them on the Zhaza Zerbino stage at the Dance Queens sim, thereby earning their star pavers in the ever-growing Walk of Fame.  Let's take a look at the show, and then read interviews with these two lovely ladies and get to know their dance journey better.


RESMAY: Looking At Me with Anya, Rosie, DC and Sass

ROSIE: Biome Propaganda with Anya, Resmay and Maggie

RESMAY: Midnight with DC and Sass

ROSIE: Bossa Nova Mashup with Anya, Resmay, Christiane, Azdra and Nadi

RESMAY: Psycho Crazy with Mona and Rosie

ROSIE: You Haven't Seen the Last of Me

RESMAY: Evil Twin

ROSIE: My Way with Anya, Resmay and Maggie



1. How and when did you find Second Life?  I joined SL on January 5th, 2013.

A supervisor I worked with told me about SL.

 2. How and when did you discover virtual dance?

I went with a friend to watch someone she knew.  After that I was hooked.  I started dancing at Moulin Rouge.  This was March of 2018 and still dance there to this day.

3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite dances that you have ever created.

That is tough.  I have a few that need to be updated, they are dances, but I still love them.  My favorites are: Evil Twin, Tick, Psycho Crazy and Like Em Wild.

 4.  Did you have any mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to?

Rory and Celestine.

5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

It challenges me to get outside my box and test my creativity.

6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

Having a song I want to create, but can't figure out what to do with it.  Something is not working and not being able to figure out what the problem is.

7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to virtual dance?

Have patience.  I second guess everything I do.  Don't give up.

 8. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.

Favorite food it Mexican, favorite drink is Vanilla Coke.  Have two fur babies.  Bear and Tisha are one year old Pomeranians.   Did not know how much I needed them until they came along.

 9. What activities other than dance do you enjoy?

I have been modeling in SL for 8 years, taking photographs and riding bikes with my MC.

 10. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I am grateful to everyone who helped me get started and the theaters that gave me the chance.


1. How and when did you find Second Life?

Oh my goodness. I was in another program and someone told a bunch of us about it. It was just around a year old. So we all joined. I fell in love with 2nd life. The people in here were so nice, most of them lol.  I joined in 2004, left for my own reasons and came back under a new name in 2005. Left in 2010 to help care for my sister and didn't have heart to come back after she passed. I got curious when a co-worker was telling us in a meeting about it and said don't join. I asked why and she made some comments about it being so nasty. I told her she just hung around the wrong people.

2. How and when did you discover virtual dance?

I had recently come back to SL after a 7+ year absence. I explored SL quite a bit the first two years I  after I came back

 One day I popped into Empire and stayed to watch the rest of a show. I was totally mesmerized.  I joined the after party and talked to Paul. Didn't know him but his tag said who he was. I asked how does one go about being a dancer here? He said ... something on the line of.... 'Well you don't start  here.'  He said, 'The most I can tell you is to find a place that will let you start as a beginner, learn what you can and when you become the best, you can dance here.'  So I did that.

 I ran into him over at Moulin Rouge where Xan had taken me in and allowed me to dance with them. I had started trying to create dances and finally did one. It was FUNK ME by Dana Gillespie and the 2nd one was JM Magic by Julie Massino. He saw both dances and invited me to Elysium Empire to dance.

 3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite dances that you have ever created.

You are so right, its hard. Recently I had to  pick 4 dances for my walk of fame star.  I started going through my dances and realized they were all good.

 One of my favorites is Naughty Little Girl, it was my first actual burlesque dance. This was old time Burlesque, like in days of Vaudeville,  all tease and no show.

 The ones I'm doing in my Walk are some. Also I did one based off Pitbull's Badman.  I try and let my dances tell a story if possible but most times I just dance to the dance. I try to make each movement a joy to see when it matches up with the music.

 4.  Did you have any mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to?

Too many to list.  Many dancers gave me ideas, helped me with things. The ones who really tried teaching me as they were helping me were Rory, Anya, Sweets and Chrissy.  I know I drove poor Sweets crazy when she would get done from explaining how to do something with her lovely English accent and I would look at her with an idiotic look on my face and saying.. huh?   It actually got to the point when I got together with Sweets in voice, her hubby in rl would ask: Is that the funny American?

 I would have been lost if it weren't for Anya and Rory.

 I would like to thank Pea, she helped me quite often when I sent a msg asking a question.

 Eva, Dear, Diva, Ice, Rory, Sweets, Chrissy, Pea, Anya, Im sure I've forgotten others who have helped me. My memory has been getting really bad. I apologize to those I've left off.

 5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

I can express myself, feel free when I dance, and I cannot do that in real anymore. Also create something I believe others would enjoy as much as I do. I always wanted to dance in real life.

 6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

Trying to find things to do what I want to do. Sometimes it makes me so crazy because of the limitations of what we can use, what's available and the limitations of the avatars.  Not being able to explain to others just what it is I'm looking for. Not being able to put a dance together fast.

 7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to virtual dance?

To have patience. It cannot be learned overnight, believe me, I tried.  Also, don't sit for hours doing it. If you find yourself getting frustrated, get up and do something else. Sometimes you go away for a while, come back and do it again and it just goes as smooth as silk. Last bit would be NEVER, NEVER EVER COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS. You are your own worst critic and will put yourself down enough to want to stop.

 8. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.

My favorite drink is Tea, hot tea or iced sweet tea.  As for good, I just don't know. As long as there aren't mushrooms or fish in the meal, I'm good.

 I have a cat named Picasso. She is almost a Chimera cat. Her face is half black and half black and white.  Its a clear delineation where the black and white are, Almost as if someone drew a line and told both sides not to cross over it. Shes a funny cat too, smart as a whip. She is really learning to listen to what I tell her to do and not do. I've had her since January 4 2024 and picked her up at the Humane Society. After I had to put my beloved Peshky to sleep.

 9. What activities other than dance do you enjoy?

I read a lot. Sadly my kindle took a nose dive right after it turned a year old. I love bowling, although I'm not much good. I play a few games online too.

 10. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Even though I'm almost 20. I've only really spent about 12 years in  here.  I love helping others when I can. Doesn't have to be with dancing.   I use to be with the LL volunteer support group in world - unpaid of course.  I guess it would be unpaid with the name volunteer in it.                                                          

I've met some really awesome folks here in SL, especially in the dance community.  Almost Everyone is willing to help the others, telling them which animations they use, where they get them etc. 

There are some who don't show anything. They want you to enjoy their dances but hoard any and all knowledge to themselves.


Congratulations to Resmay Bloodstorm and Rosie Arnaz on earning their STAR in Dance Queens' Walk of Fame!  Thank you for putting forth the effort and taking the time to share your creativity with us all.  Thank you for participating in this historical project.  Your show was fabulous, we really enjoyed it and are so happy you care enough about the dance community to perform it for us.  We wish you fulfilment and joy in your continued dance creation and your time in both lives.