Thursday, March 6, 2025



Saturday 8th March at 1pm slt, The Erin Gobraghless Theater

 Debauche perform at their home venue , the birthplace of Debauche and one we always truly love to dance at. Always a wonderful, lively audience and a great experience, dancing in front of the people we most honour and proud to call our family
 Come share this unique experience with us
Please come dressed in smart casual and be prepared to scream, shout, to stamp your feet and clap your hands

Saturday 8th March at 1pm slt, The Erin Gobraghless Theater


Sunday 9th March at 1pm slt at Tuscany

Please come and join Debauche as we visit one of our favourite venues. Tuscany is the location and we are so looking forward to dancing here

We will dance firm favourites which are truly amazing, from the loving romantic to pure dancing and  adventure.

Sexy, Little bit naughty but always classy, that's Debauche 

Sunday 9th March at 1pm slt at Tuscany



Club IMAGE open this Sunday

✧˖°* Come and join us! *°˖✧
Sunday, March 9, 2025
OPEN 6:30 AM SLT(PDT) / 開場 22:30 JST
START 7:00 AM SLT(PDT) / 開幕 23:00 JST

............✧˖°* Program *°˖✧.............
1. Nyoko "Choices" with Sakuya & Xia 
2. SakuraSakuJP "A Butterfly's Dream"
3. Setsuna Hirano "Memory of time"
4. Layra Bulmer "メルジーナ MELUSINA"
5. Oto "Moon さよならを教えて"

Team Dance: SakuraSakuJP "Hello World"

DJ: Karasu Songlark
Staff: Fairytail
............. ............. ............. ............. .............

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Men in Motion


March 8th, 3PM SLT

Men in Motion Home show for the month

Special instructions/dress code :
You be you.

It's been too long the warm weather has been gone and we are ready to celebrate it coming back. Hang with us as we start the heat a bit early and get this show smokin'. You'll be feeling it rolling off the stage as we start Spring a little early.

Come ready to have fun!

Fifth Ave Guys & Dolls


SHOWTIME:  MARCH 8, 2025 @ 1:00 PM SLT

Fifth Avenue Guys & Dolls
Spring is Green

 The Guys & Dolls fabulous choreographers have a special spring time show for you this year.  Enjoy the exquisite and beautiful sets with their tantalizing performances.  A mixture of creators choice is full of delightful surprises.  Bring your friends and partners for an enjoyable hour celebrating SPRING IS GREEN !!

Special instructions/dress code:
 Dress Code:  Smart Casual, Semi-Formal
 Come Early As Seating Is Limited

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Be A Queen Drag Show


Saturday, March 8th at 2pm SLT

Don't be a drag... be a queen!  Don't miss this royal show of fabulous resplendence as the stage is OWNED by some of Second Life's most dazzling glamor goddesses!  Come bend the knee and kiss their rings.  It is going to be so fun... bring friends!
Saturday, March 8th at 2pm SLT
Featuring Queens Cio, Rory, Red and Niecho plus King Chrissy

SLEA Theater

Monday, March 3, 2025

Erotique Burlesque


FRIDAY MARCH 7/2025 @ 7:15pm slt
SUNDAY MARCH 16/2025 @ 12:30pm slt

Special instructions/dress code:

DQ WoF-Crystal Edge Dancers


Friday, March 7th at 1pm SLT

Dance Queens
Walk of Fame
Presents: Crystal Edge Dancers

Please join us for a very special event!  Crystal Edge Dancers will be dancing their way into history by earning their STAR in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame!  They will present a show of their favorite acts for our enjoyment.  Please come support them as they dance into posterity!

Friday, March 7th at 1pm SLT
At the Zhaza Zerbino Stage
On the Dance Queens sim

Special instructions/dress code if one:


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Star and Tristan Dance Down the Walk of Fame!

 What a special show it was... just incredible!  Star Lyonesse and her long-time partner Tristan graced the Zhaza Zerbino Stage at the Dance Queens sim in an amazing mini-show, earning Star her STAR in the Walk of Fame.  She is a wonderfully talented dance creator and each dance she shared at this show widened the eyes of the appreciative audience.  Tristan also received his STAR for his extensive work as a dance videographer in Second Life.  So now he has two stars and one of his stars has a star.  *smiles*  This show was brilliant, an amazing tribute to human imagination and creativity.  Take a look at some pictures from the show, then read interviews with Star and Tristan and get to know these generous souls better.  Then see some pictures from their ceremony!


I Get to Love You - Ruelle - Brooklyn Duo, dancing with Star is Tristan

Ready for It, Star is dancing with SoCo and Taema

Chess Game - Michael Smorawinski, Star is dancing with SoCo

Lady Marmalade - Christina Aquilera and Star is dancing with SoCo, Taema and Jo



1. How and when did you find Second Life?

I discovered Second Life in September of 2011.  I was taking a course that required an essay on any technology or social networking platform.  I can remember Myspace came to mind but further research led me to this virtual world called Second Life.  The thought of avatars and living in such a world pulled me in.  Still here today!

2. How and when did you discover virtual dance?

I discovered virtual dance in 2015.  I was asked to host a dance show and I am so glad I did.  The mere thought of a dance show in this world was so intriguing! 

3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite dances that you have ever created:

A few of my favorite dances will be performed today. *Ready for It? (Cyber theme)

*Lady Marmalade (Burlesque theme)

*Chess Game (DQ Tango challenge)

*I Get to Love You (DQ Bridgerton challenge)

The dance to each theme you see today offers you a peek into my mind.  Not to mention, any dance with my husband is my favorite!

4.  Did you have any mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to?

There are more than three, however, I am forever grateful to Klark, Delaney, Cherryblonde and SoCo.

From the beginning of my dance journey, it was Klark Harvy.  Klark provided me with a solid virtual dance foundation. He taught me how to use the dance tools to choreograph, how to build the set for a performance, and every other aspect of virtual dance.

Delaney:  My pillar.  One of the most giving and sincere people I have had the honor to know.  My frantic 3am messages like she is a "911" operator.  Well, actually, she has been there for me!

Cherryblonde:  She encouraged and had the confidence in me as a burlesque dancer.  I learned a lot about myself and faced my fears as a soloist.

SoCo:  An inspiration and so much more.  Her dance creations are brilliant, stunning and evoke emotion. Her strength and resilience are remarkable.  When I grow up I want to be like her!

There are others that I would like to crawl into their mind and just live there a little while as they create a visionary masterpiece.  They are brilliant!

5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

My favorite thing about virtual dance creation is it provides a conduit so I can create and express in a language that transcends words, communicate emotions that are sometimes deeply personal and it definitely pushes me beyond my comfort zone.

6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

My least favorite thing is the limited lyrical and emotional animations and lag during shows.  It is frustrating to visualize and know what you want to say but the animation doesn't cut it or a lag spike distorts the flow of the dance.

7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to virtual dance?

Understand that becoming a virtual dancer doesn't happen overnight; it takes time.  Be ready to invest the time, patience and money.  Always keep true to who you are as a person and don't get sucked into drama and egos.  Be yourself, embrace the dance challenge and opportunity and by all means have FUN!

8. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.

My favorite food is the Maryland blue crab and drink is coffee and margaritas! 

I have a very sweet and cuddly British short hair cat who is always here with me on the other side of the screen.

9. What activities other than dance do you enjoy?

Spending time with my husband.  This includes sailing, golfing, shopping, decorating, exploring, taking pictures and hanging out with friends and family.

10. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I would like to thank Second Life for providing this virtual world that allows me to be create and connect with people from all over the world.  I have friends here that I would have never had the opportunity to meet had it not been for Second Life.

Thank you to Tristan for recording performances and capturing the dancers special moments and preserving the memories forever.

Finally, a big thank you to GG, my SL sister, who has been by my side and supported me through my entire Second Life from day 1!


1. How and when did you find Second Life?

I first became aware of Second Life in 2006 after reading a news article about this virtual world. I was intrigued and decided to give it a try. However, broadband internet was not available in my community. My internet access was limited to using a dial-up modem. I found that experience to be completely unsatisfactory and only spent about two days in SL. When I finally got Broadband in 2013, I returned to explore SL and I've been here ever since.

2. What inspired you to want to video virtual dance in Second Life?

I saw my first dance show in Second Life in 2015 while attending Fantasy Faire.  The Dance Xcetera Troupe was performing. 

It was very impressive.  I had never done any filming in SL before but watching that show inspired me to begin to learn how to use the camera and photo tools integrated into the Firestorm Viewer.  As I started attending more dance shows I began to appreciate the passion and skill of SL choreographers and the beauty of SL dance.  I felt that everyone in SL and especially those in real life should have the opportunity to see and appreciate unique and very special art form.  I am still learning.   

3.  Did you have any mentors when you were learning to video dance that you'd like to wave to?

I have not had mentors as such but there are many online videos on the different aspects of machinima creation which are excellent.  I also have been fortunate to know some really excellent videographers here in SL to share ideas and to troubleshoot problems in SL video production.  They include Pia Klaar, Jackson Redstar, R. Dismantled and Andy Cam.

4. What is your favorite thing about creating virtual dance videos?

Being able to create a video that fully expresses the beauty and skills of the choreographer for all to enjoy forever.  

5. What is your least favorite thing about creating virtual dance videos?

Lag, intermittent stream failure, bad lighting and indiscriminate censorship (especially by Bots) on YouTube.

6. What advice would you give to someone who is new to videoing virtual dance?

(1) Purchase and learn to use a 3D Mouse (3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Compact).  A 3D mouse can be used to pan, zoom, and rotate 3D content      while using a regular mouse to select, create, and edit. This allows the user to free up the regular mouse for its primary function.

Note:  Firestorm viewer has native support for setting up the 3d spacemouse compact - Do not use the software or drivers that come with this device if you are using for filming in SL.  Just use Firestorm.  Also, using it at a shopping venue  is a whole new shopping experience.

(2) Take advantage of the numerous instructional videos available on YouTube about creating Machinima

(3) If you are planning to film in SL, adhere to LL TOS:

7. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.

Leafy green salads and cheeseburgers, unsweetened ice tea and presently no pets.  Last pet was a black lab.

8. What (SL) activities other than dance do you enjoy? 

My wife and partner, Sailing, Golfing, Exploring new places,

9. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

SL is part of my RL

Thank you so much for this honor,

Tristan Lyonesse


1.04K subscribers • 5.2K videos


A HUGE congratulations to Star and Tristan on earning their STARS in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame!  Thank you for all you do to contribute to virtual dance creation and preserve the memories of created dances.  It is a testimony to human imagination and sharing with one another with the hopes to not only entertain but to touch a heart, lift a spirit, enlighten a mind.  Thank you for participating with this project.  We wish you both continued discovery and fulfillment in your virtual dance journey!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

March 2025 Raffle!!


March's Raffle is sponsored by Dance Queens! We have 5 gift cards up for grabs!  

1000L         Trompe Loeil
                            Sync'd Animations

          600L            Paragon Dance  (2)

As always, 100L unlimited entries, so enter to win!!

Thursday, February 27, 2025



Debauche, Saturday 1st March  1pm slt, Ville de Coeur

Debauche are so pleased to visit  the most beautiful theatre at beautiful Ville de Coeur. We always look forward to coming to this wonderful theatre,our longest running engagement. The people are all so friendly, so welcoming, so very enthusiastic and that makes it's a great show for us all.

Debauche, Saturday 1st March  1pm slt, Ville de Coeur


Debauche Sunday 2nd March at More Than Enterprises

Debauche are delighted to return to this,  a favourite venue.

Fantastic open air theater on a fantastic group of sims. Great atmosphere at a great venue.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Debauche Sunday 2nd March at More Than Enterprises

Friday, February 21, 2025


Saturday 22nd February, The Trophy Room, 1pm SLT

Please come and join Debauche as we visit one of our favourite venues. The Trophy Room is the location and we are so looking forward to dancing there

New routines as well

Sexy, Little bit naughty but always classy, that's Debauche

 After party also, please come formal wear but low scripts as possible
Saturday 22nd February, The Trophy Room, 1pm SLT


Debauche at 5th Avenue 23rd February 2025 At 1pm slt

Debauche are so honoured to invite you all for our  regular show at Fifth Avenue

We are thrilled to be dancing at this wonderful venue every month and what a spectacular show we have for you this time!

Please join us at 5th Avenue 23rd February 2025 At 1pm slt



Club IMAGE open this Sunday

✧˖°* Come and join us! *°˖✧
Sunday, February 23, 2025
OPEN 5:30 AM SLT / 開場 22:30 JST
START 6:00 AM SLT / 開幕 23:00 JST

............✧˖°* Program *°˖✧.............
1. Diawa Bellic "PINK" with Layra
2. SakuraSakuJP "Non-Verbal ノンバーバル"
3. Layra Bulmer "Symphony" with Sakuya
4. Setsuna Hirano "Loving you"
5. Nyoko "MAGIC" with Setsuna, Sakura, Raldcat & Layra ★NEW★
Team Dance: Setsuna Hirano "STAR TRAIN" with Xia

DJ: Karasu Songlark
............. ............. ............. ............. .............

Leninah Starlight Shines as She Earns Her Dance Queens Star!

One of the very special things about the Dance Queens Walk of Fame is getting to meet virtual dance creators for the first time.  Where has Leninah been all my Second Life?  I had the recent pleasure of meeting Leninah Starlight, who shared her talents on the Zhaza Zerbino Stage, thereby earning her star in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame.  She has been dancing for quite a while, and it was a pleasure to watch her show, as she presented a unique style with a metaphoric artistic appeal that really stimulated interest.  Let's take a look at some pictures from her show, then read an interview with her, as she is well-worth getting to know better.


Roisin Murphy - RamaLama Bang Bang

The Real Thing - Can You Feel the Force

Muse – Madness

ROSE n Bruno Mars – APT

Leninah's team who performed in this show: Rain Torvalar, Red Darkheart, Aphiris Moris, EmilyAmiee Resident, Keshii Ethereal, Flint Carfield, Calli Callieope, Alexandriaxxo (Alex) and Jareth Cromwell


1. How and when did you find Second Life?

I came into SL about 8 years ago now to explore what the virtual world could offer as a platform for creative art. I explored and loved the creative opportunities all around and was hooked on it pretty much immediately.

2. How and when did you discover virtual dance?

I started virtual dance as a cheerleader, then became involved in Performing Arts at a college here. First as a student and then after a while as an instructor. I do still do Cheerleading but less frequently now as other projects have taken centre stage, pun intended there :P

3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite dances that you have ever created.

Oh wow! every one is a favourite at some time :) If I had to choose just a few one would be 'Rama Lama Bang Bang - Rosin Murphy'  an early piece which is included in the four for the mini show. Also 'Sforzarsi' which is a medley of three songs covering birth life and death and is inspired by the poem by William Ernest Henley 'Invictus', but requires too large a set to include in the show. Also 'Canon' which, is a canon within a canon based on Johann Pachelbel's 'Canon in D Major', also a medley this time of three different versions of the same piece and is also too large to include in the show. At risk of going on here also 'Carol of the bells - Pentatonix', 'Where are You Christmas - Faith Hill' and ofc 'Tilted - Christine and the Queens' for technical and personal reasons :) Right now my current fav of the moment is my newest piece 'Apateu - Rose and Bruno Mars' which is a lot of fun and is included in the show :)

4.  Did you have any mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to?

I love dance and respect everyone's individuality. I never forget that art is in the eye of the beholder and always try to do something different and with meaning. The people who have influenced me the most would be Red Darkheart who was and still is my co-instructor and one of the joint co-leaders of our troupes, her artistic vision always inspires. Rain Torvalar, who is the other co-instructor and joint co-leaders of the troupes who has an eye for detail that is truly remarkable! so big waves to them !! *Waves Hi*

5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

Hearing a piece of music or other source of inspiration, and imagining what you can make from that, and eventually creating a dance that enhances that in some way, adding in the visuals to bring it another dimension. That creative process is hard but oh so fulfilling when it comes off well and you get to perform it.

6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

The most time consuming and difficult part is selecting the right dances for each piece and matching them to the music to resonate movement with the sound in a binding way. Sometimes that leads to a lot of frustration when you can't find exactly the movement you really want, and can take a lot of time to do as you envisioned it.

7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to virtual dance?

I would refer then to two quotes which apply to virtual dance almost as much as real world dance and they are:

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

"You have to love dancing to stick to it. It gives you nothing back, no manuscripts to store away, no paintings to show on walls and maybe hang in museums, no poems to be printed and sold, nothing but that single fleeting moment when you feel alive." - Merce Cunningham

Also do what you feel you want to do, don't conform to popularity, create something new and different whenever you can.

8. If you have your own dance troupe, please tell a little bit about it, and its history.

I have a couple of troupes the oldest being 'Red Starlight' which I run with Red and Rain and focusses largely, but not exclusively, on neo Burlesque and has been performing now for some 6 years. Also 'Coffee Espresso' which has also been performing now for about 4 years and does bigger events like the SL Birthday events, other events at SLEA and also the Expo events, and is used as the foundation for other dance acts in the making.

9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.

I'm gonna assume that chocolate doesn't count as a food and say Pasta ! All sorts but love fettuccine and spaghetti blanco especially ! Also helps a lot with my pescatarian diet making things more varied. Favorite drink is possibly Fentiman's 'Classic Cherry Cola'. I don't drink much alcohol but when I do its usually fizzy and/or sweet.

10. What activities other than dance do you enjoy?

Aside from dancing and putting on shows, I did get into scripting in order to help with stage props and tools for the show some time ago and I'm still doing that. Similarly building needs lead me into Blender which comes in handy. I've also done some Role Play, science fiction mainly, but that is another creative vent for me that I enjoy. More recently I've started recording our pieces individually in-world at our own studio and loading them to YouTube on our own channel so that we can always see them and remember the fun we had making and performing them :)

11. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

In all the time I've been involved in virtual dance I have had the good fortune to have along with me people that are as passionate about dance and share the same desire to push the envelope. We have lots of fun and spur and spark each other on and I'm ever thankful for that and would not have it any other way. They know who they are don't you Red and Rain


Congratulations Leninah on earing your star in Dance Queen's Walk of Fame!  It is our hope that our Walk of Fame will remain for a very long time, preserving some of the history of our virtual dance community.  As performers, we work long hours, spend a lot of lindens, and pour our souls into our work, in the hopes of touching another soul when we share our creations on stage.  Thank you for putting yourself out there and dedicating yourself to creating and sharing imaginative works of art through virtual dance.  Thank you for participating in this project and supporting Dance Queens!  I look forward to seeing more of your performances.  We at Dance Queens wish you continued fulfillment with your dance journey.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Show & Lounge cossette'


Troupe name: Show & Lounge cossette'

Show date/ time: 24.Feb 2025 (Mon) 6:00 am SLT Start

Here we are cossette' is all about excellent harmony of music, stage and dance. 
Please come down to the show and enjoy our expressive performance on stage!

1. Sarah
2. Clau
3. Kazusa
4. Starlet
5. Yougao

 MC: Sarah


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Misfit Dance & Performance Art - UPDATED


Misfit Dance & Performance Art presents
    "Misfit Follies - February 2025 ~
            a Showcase of Theater Dance Art"


Wednesday   February 19    5PM SL   Misfit Dance Theater
Friday   February 28    5PM  SL  Misfit Dance Theater

Our February Show features a number of Fan Favorites  and dance art that highlights the sentiment of of our mid-winter holidays - Valentine's Day & Fat Tuesday! ~ come join the fun & eXpect the uneXpected!

La Cage aux Misfits
Jessie's Girl
Rain Dance
Food Fight
Bourbon Street
In Plane Sight

Come experience our Misfit Dance Cam HUD -  where you  wear a little HUD button  and WE - control what you see!   It's like a video LIVE on stage -  so amazing    =)

Misfit Dance & Performance Art  ~  a theater dance art troupe like no other - Think Broadway in SL
Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information