Sunday, March 16, 2025

Nadi Hawker Dances into History!

I have been dancing with Nadi since 2012.  What a joy it was to watch this much-loved sweet soul dance into history by performing her Walk of Fame show, and to share it with her!  She performed a mini-show of some of her favorite dances on the Zhaza Zerbino Stage at the Dance Queens sim, thereby earning her STAR in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame.  An audience of friends and family gathered to enjoy her performance and celebrate her star.  Virtual dance in Second Life is time-consuming and expensive.  It is an honor to memorialize our dance community's creators with this project.  Let's take a look at some pictures from Nadi's show, then read an interview with her about her dance journey.  And finally, find below pictures from her special star-placing ceremony.


Kesha - This is Me

Lena Gukina - "Goddess of the Lotus Temple" Tribal Fusion with Sass, Azdra, Jo, EvA, Shannon and Cassidy

Le Labyrinthe de Pan with Azdra and Pea

Pussy Control with Sass and Zach


1. How and when did you find Second Life?

I saw my son playing in Secondlife and got interested. I Joined in around 2010 as best I can remember. 

2. How and when did you discover virtual dance?

I was just exploring sims and saw some belly dancers and immediately wanted to know more.

3. I know picking is hard, but name a few of your favorite dances that you have ever created:

My most precious dance is the one I created for my son after he passed away.  But I have too many to pick Just one or two.

4.  Did you have any mentors when you were learning to dance that you'd like to wave to?

Yes, I cannot begin to thank Ame Thomas enough.  She has been a guiding light to help me with most everything....she is my go to when I need something in avatar health.  Kyser Mynx has also been there for me many times. 

5. What is your favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

The Rush you get when you create something that makes people Happy and Amazed.

6. What is your least favorite thing about virtual dance creation?

If Lag grabs me and messes with my dances.

7. What advice would you give to someone who is new to virtual dance?

Just remember something that I was told years back.  If you fall just get up and make it part of your dance.   No one ever died dancing in SL.

8. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.

Cobb Salad from Chik filet....and  Iced Tea.

I have a 40 yr old Yellow Nape Amazon Parrot.

9. What activities other than dance do you enjoy?

Shopping in SL and building stages and exploring SL.


A huge congratulations to Nadi Hawker on her marvelous achievement of earning her star!  She IS a star and now her star graces the entrance to the Dance Queens Info Center.  We have enjoyed more than a decade of Nadi's imaginative, passionate and deeply-feeling performances through Second Life virtual dance.  Thank you Nadi for your dedication and for your selflessness in sharing your imaginative visions.  It takes courage to put yourself out there on a stage in front of countless people.  Thank you for sharing and for participating in this project, helping Dance Queens to preserve the precious names of those who share.  We wish you continued fulfillment in your dance journey!