Friday, September 6, 2024

Burlesque Dolls Dance Into History!!

 It was delightful to watch the Burlesque Dolls dance into history when they earned their star in Dance Queen's Walk of Fame!  The Walk is growing and these lovely ladies supported this project as they danced their spectacular best on the Zhaza Zerbino stage at the Dance Queens sim.  The show was vibrant, sexy and full of warmth and joy, greatly enjoyed by all who attended.  Have a look at some pictures from the show, then read the interview with troupe owner Lina Prime to learn more about the Burlesque Dolls!  Special thanks to Khristophe for the pictures!













1. How and when did your troupe form?
The Burlesque Dolls originally started in 2013, led by the legendary Miss Lady Correia. Her dedication to traditional burlesque was outstanding. In 2018 Lady C passed the reins over to me and we continued on with her tradition until we took a break in 2020. In 2022, we regrouped and came back stronger than ever with some of our original girls and some new to re-brand and put our own spin on the Dolls. We continue to break the traditional molds of burlesque as we bring a variety of different styles which show that burlesque can truly be found in many forms. The only limitation being left in the mind of the dancer. 

2. Where do you usually perform, what is your usual venue?
We perform at our home theater but we are open to traveling upon request. 

3. What is your troupe's primary goal in dance?
We strive to bring you along for an hour of breathtaking burlesque performances, performed by some of the most beautiful & talented choreographers in Second Life. 

4. What can an audience member expect to see at one of your shows?
You can expect to fully enjoy yourself, have a laugh, and maybe even leave a little bit flustered after experiencing our amazing and provocative acts. 

5. Who owns the troupe and who directs or manages it?
I tell the girls it is "our group" not just mine. But it is owned by me, Lina Prime (Melina Aurotharius), with my assistant managers Nara Bellic (nara1 resident) and Ame Thomas (Ame Morningstar). 

6. As a Director or Manager, what is your favorite thing about having a troupe?
I really love how enthusiastic the team is, how supportive & drama-free they are, and how they demonstrate their dedication by showing up month after month to do something we are all truly passionate about. 

7. As a Director or Manager, what is your least favorite thing about having a troupe?
I wish I had time to have more shows per month, honestly. Maybe someday RL will open up a bit more and we might be able to do it. 

8. What directive would you give to someone who wants to join your troupe?
I would suggest coming in with experience, as I do run things to a pretty high standard. I would suggest Baby Pea's classes at Dance Queens for experience. 

9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.
My favorites! Ohh I love Greek food even though I live in NY and anything we get here is the American version and probably nothing close to what's served in Greece. I also have two cats, Conall and Charlotte who are usually cuddled at my feet. 

10. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Catch our shows the 3rd Friday of the month at 7:30PM SLT, or our matinée shows that are held the 4th Saturday at 3:00PM SLT. 

11. If your troupe has a website, blog, Flicker, Facebook, or anything else, please list it here:


What a beautiful show of super talented ladies!  Congratulations Burlesque Dolls on earning your STAR in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame.  Thank you for participating and supporting this project and Dance Queens.  May you continue to share your passion and imagination through virtual dance for a long time to come, as your star casts light and warmth upon all who attend your performances!