Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Elysium Cabaret Dances into History!

 This past Tuesday, Elysium Cabaret brought some of their favourite acts to the Zhaza Zerbino stage on the Dance Queens sim, as they danced their show to earn their STAR in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame.  It was a fantastic show, filled with a variety of stellar acts.  It was a joy to come out and support this project!  Below, find pictures from the show plus an interview that offers some insight into Elysium.  What a heart-warming, special event this was!


Paul - Freedom -- Jon Batiste

Pea - Sad But True
With Niecho, Sass, DC and GMan

Gracie - Dowtown (downtempo) - Anna Taylor Joy
With Pea and Kely

Sarah - NaughtyMonster Mix
With Ginty

Yancy- Dancing On My Own
With Cael, Azdra, Persephone and Zach

Mikiko - Billie Eilish - Therefore I Am

Azzy - Sia - Magic
With Cael, Pea, Melli, Yancy, Diva, Sass, Nadi and Persephone

Rory- She Has Something Extra
With Resmay


1. How and when did your troupe form? 
Elysium Cabaret was formed in December of 2012.  We created it because I wanted a place to dance where I could do anything I wanted.  Most places have so many rules, but Elysium is pretty laid back.

2. Where do you usually perform, what is your usual venue? 
Our home venue is The Empire Room on Copperhead Road sim.  We do shows every Friday at 6pm SLT plus a matinee the last Saturday of each month at 1pm SLT.

3. What is your troupe's primary goal in dance? 
Our primary goal is to give creative souls freedom to let their imaginations run wild.  We want to allow people the place and space to be able to create freely, holding nothing back.  That, at times, requires minimal rules.  We do have boundaries of course but they are quite generous.  We want people to feel comfortable and have creative FUN.  We want them to be appreciated and to be fulfilled with what they share on the stage.

This is our daily affirmation:
Today's daily affirmation isn't even an affirmation.  I'm just telling you to be a menace today.  Just be a problem.  Go absolutely feral.  Be the weirdest scariest most beautiful thing anybody has ever seen today.

4.  What can an audience member expect to see at one of your shows? 
We offer a variety of performance styles, an eclectic mix of music genres.  The last Friday of each month, we have theme shows, but other than that, the dances are entirely up to each choreographer.  I detest rules and limits and enjoy seeing my choreographers running wild, making mischief, and generally being menaces.  In a fun way. :)

5. Who owns the troupe and who directs or manages it? 
Elysium Cabaret is owned by Paul Woodrunner, BabypeaVonPhoenix Bikergrrl and Gunner von Phoenix.  We also have some great people who help behind the scenes. ♥

6. As a Director or Manager, what is your favorite thing about having a troupe? 
I love the social aspect of spending quality time with creative souls... the camaraderie!  Supporting one another, a feeling of mutual trust and respect, sharing a feeling of friendship and even family.  THE PEOPLE is my favorite thing!  I love to see them happy and having fun.  It is contagious!

7. As a Director or Manager, what is your least favorite thing about having a troupe? 
The paperwork....
But that's the job part of it, and so I wrangle the paperwork and all the busy details.  There are a lot of busy details to keep up with and I am so lazy, I find I'd rather stand in a meadow smelling flowers like Ferdinand the Bull.  If only I had someone to take pictures, to do the weekly posters, to wrangle the promos, do the lineups... gosh I could just work myself right out of a job and become the lazy bull I want to be, LOL!

8. What directive would you give to someone who wants to join your troupe? 
Contact one of the owners and introduce yourself.  Let the owner know what you want, to join the troupe, how many shows per month you'd like to be in... communication is the key.  Patience is needed because we do have a big troupe but persistence does pay off.

If you want to backup dance, the most important thing would be to come to rehearsals and shows and participate in group chat during these events so that the choreographers can get to know you.  Let them know you'd like to be in their dances, otherwise you can slip through the cracks because Elysium is so big.  Choreographers naturally ask people that they are familiar with to be in their dances, so get them familiar with you.

9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have. 
Lobster with drawn butter and lemon, Pepsi-Max, and I have two dogs, Whippets, named Boomer and Gracie.  And two feline overlords, named Diva and Trouble.  I am grateful for the opportunity to serve them.

10. Is there anything else you'd like to add? 
Share your toys.  If someone asks what animation you used, where you got that hair or costume, or how you did that amazing thing... tell them.  Don't hide your light under a barrel.  A candle loses no light by lighting another candle.  Give love... share your toys.  It will nourish your soul.

11. If your troupe has a website, blog, Flicker, Facebook, or anything else, please list it here:

The STAR Ceremony

Congratulations Elysium Cabaret!  Thank you for sharing your creative passion and participating in Dance Queens Walk of Fame!  May your star shine on, blessing the virtual world with imaginative light and warmth for many years!  Thank you to everyone who participated in this event, be it on the stage, behind the scenes or from the audience. ♥