Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sareem Kajiri Dancers Walk of Fame Show!

The Sareem Kajiri Dancers of Isfahan presented a wonderful show on Saturday, July 27th at 12noon at the Dance Queens sim on the Zhaza Zerbino stage.  In so doing, they are the very first to earn their STAR in the Dance Queens Walk of Fame!  Congratulations and thank you for sharing your passion and talent!  It was a lively and varied show full of emotions and variety.  Please enjoy some pictures from the show and some information about these talented dancers!



Wir befinden uns inmitten eines orientalischen Bazars als eine Gruppe Sklaven sich spontan zu einem Tanz zusammenfindet, um die Bazarbesucher zu unterhalten.

We are in the middle of an oriental market. A group of slaves come together spontaneously for a dance to entertain the visitors at the Bazaar.


Ein Jäger glaubt in der Gruppe der Gefangenen einen Seelenverwandten entdeckt zu haben und versucht nun, den junge Mann dazu zu bewegen, ihm in den Dschungel zu folgen und bei ihm zu bleiben.

A hunter believes he has found a kind of soul-mate among the prisoners. He tries to lure the young man to follow him into the jungle and to stay with him.


Ein Song aus dem Disney Film Mulan. Mulan gibt sich als Mann aus und geht für ihren alten Vater zur kaiserlichen Armee, um als Krieger ausgebildet zu werden.

The Song is from the movie Mulan from Walt Disney. Mulan disguises herself as a man and joins the Imperial Army instead of her old father to be trained as a warrior.


Die Erinnerung daran, dass wir alle auf demselben Planeten leben und seine Ressourcen für alle Menschen gleichermaßen zugänglich sein sollten.

The reminder for all people in this world. We all share the same planet and the resources of our planet should be accessible for everyone.


Ein getanztes Feuerspektakel, vorgeführt um Mitternacht innerhalb einer Ruine mitten im Dschungel.

A fire show danced at Midnight at a ruined house midst the jungle.


Eine Sklavin, die ihrem Herrn nicht gehorcht hat, muß auf einem Fest für die Gäste ihres Herrn um ihr Leben tanzen. Sie tanzt sich in Trance und sie bittet den Schlangengott um seine Hilfe. Er soll ihr helfen, sich an ihrem Herrn zu rächen. Als sie aus der Trance erwacht, sieht sie, wie eine orange gestreifte Schlange in den Garten schlüpft und sich im Sand nahe ihrem Herrn vergräbt.

A slave girl didn't obey her Master's order. Now at his feast she must dance in front of his guests. And she dances for her life this night. After she falls into a trance she begged the snake goddess of her childhood to help her to take revenge. After she awakens she sees an orange striped snake digging itself in the sand.




1. How and when did your troupe form?  

2023 in March

2. Where do you usually perform, what is your usual venue? 

The Kajiri Dancers perform at the Gorean feasts like En`Kara, Se`Kara and at Gorean markets. They are invited to dance at occasions like sim anniversaries or festivals, be it on Gor or Earth  

Usually they rehearse and give shows at their Lake Theater in Isfahan (about 50 seats):

or at the big Theater in the sky over Isfahan (about 100 seats; 70 free, 30 kajiri).

3. What is your troupe's primary goal in dance?

To pick up the special themes of Gorean Life and to have a good time together. Dancing is an important part of the Gorean slave training.

4.  What can an audience member expect to see at one of your shows?

Isfahan is located in the jungle region of Gor. The music and dances are sometimes influenced by Arabian music. Also expect dances which are combative in some parts. Even the differences of the status of slaves or Free persons might be expressed in the dances. The dancers will not perform naked at stage.

5. Who owns the troupe and who directs or manages it? 

The owner of the troupe is Hermes, Khan of Isfahan (Prinzensaft resident). He is producer and manager of the troupe. Luella (Lilith Lindley) is the choreographer.

6. As a Director or Manager, what is your favorite thing about having a troupe?  

To build a team where everyone is important and willing to take on tasks for the group.

7. As a Director or Manager, what is your least favorite thing about having a troupe? 

To be in focus. Hermes: finding dates that convene for all involved.

8. What directive would you give to someone who wants to join your troupe? 

Must be a male dancer. He should have fun dancing and must be a very reliable person.

Being creative and willing to create own dances would be very welcome!

Though most of the dancers live and rp on Gor, and most in Isfahan, we are also open for kajiri from other places. 

It's not a must to live on Gor, but when on Gor, the dancer must be ready to take on the role of a kajirus (slave), if only for the sake of dancing (rp being limited to that).

9. What is your favorite food, favorite drink, and please tell us about any pets that you have.  

Hermes: the kajiri are our pets; I personally prefer Ka-la-na as a drink.

10. If your troupe has a website, blog, Flicker, Facebook, or anything else, please list it here:


Curtain Call: Choreographer Luella with the Dance Team

Presenting STAR to Kahn Hermes

Hostess Pea and DJ Zamir