New SL Dance Videos and Photos 121210
iCandy Overand starts us out with God bless the child- iCandy Overland Second Life Sensation.
Singing and dancing together are featured in MercedesAvon's Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepson - Second Life .
SecondLifeMMD gives us another weird one called Secondlifeでミクダンス 「Stocking Filler 2. I have a domino set that does the same thing as the falling statues. Anyway, there is dancing in this.
Csndido Ferraris gives us a little outdoor clubbing fun with DJ Dana Scorpion detonando (Só para a Diretoria) - Secondlife.
Flemming Dexler obviously had a hard day and had to make Dancing after work.
bangayo gives us the short dance video called raichu anthro second life dance sonic R diamond in the sky
If I missed you videos and photos, send me the URL.