Our June Raffle is sponsored by Elysium Cabaret! They have graciously donated 3 gift cards for 3 winners!
The Prizes are: 2000L gift card to Paragon Dance Animations
1000L gift card to Chalupa Digs Design
500L gift card to TRUTH
Music - Movement - Creation - Joy - Friendship
Elysium Cabaret takes you there every Friday at 6pm. Let your imagination come out to play! In The Empire Room at Copperhead Road, we strive to bring you an eclectic mix of music genres, dance styles, elaborate staging and dazzling costumes. At the end of our shows, we invite you on stage to dance with us and celebrate the simple joy of dance! Welcome to the weekend!
The last Saturday of each month, we also perform a "Best Of" show at 1pm SLT. This offers our friends and family in Europe a chance to come see our shows at a time that is better suited for them.