Wednesday May 24, 2023 at 1:30PMslt
MAD about DANCE project
Reflections of my life Janjii’s creation
Choreography, Stage design : Janjii Rugani
Costume Design: Icy on Fire and Janjii Rugani
Cast: Icy on Fire, Mirabel, Jameelah , Artemis Collazo, Janjii Rugani
Like most of my artwork, Reflections of my life is an autobiographical show that runs through different emotional moods that I have experienced throughout my life with emphasis on the feminine aspect, my evolution as a woman.
The basis for choosing the songs is nostalgia, they are songs that I loved to dance with my students in my RL dance classes.They bring back memories of very sensitive moments that I can relive in this show alongside very dear friends from SL, Icy, Mirabel, Jameelah and Artemis
Act 1 . Reflections
Past and Present: a symbolic encounter.
Farewell to beliefs that no longer serve.
Act 2. in mood of Ilusion
Girls' psyche structured around the princess/ballerina symbol. The meaning of life is waiting for Prince Charming.
Act 3 - in mood of delusion
Prince Charming does not exist.
The princess/ballerina falls apart The woman appears ...
self knowledge, autonomy, independence
Act 4 - in mood of Empowerment
The woman in the world, conquering spaces, defending her rights in society.
Act 5 - in mood of Sisterhood
The union of forces, friendship, the loving space of sisterhood among women.
New ways of loving and expressing oneself
special thanks to Hermes Kondor who provided his artwork to compose the design of Reflections and In mood of Ilusion
we will have a confraternization dance after the show
Special instructions/dress code:
Dress code =casual
we will have a confraternization dance after the show