Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Let's Dance Class!

Let's Dance Class!
May 14, 2019 - 4pm - 5pm SLT - Choreography Design and mover systems - creating a movement route.
This class will introduce the process of creating a movement route to move your dancers around the stage area. Spot On Choreography Design will be the tool used in class but you may use an other brand of tool if you have a working knowledge of it's use.

So now you can wiggle in place to the music by using your animation hud, but how can you move around the stage, alone or in a group, to make the performance more professional and realistic? We will learn the basics of using a mover system including moving to and from the stage, synchronizing animations with movement, notecard management and smooth, realistic movements. This class will focus on the basics of making the system work while in future weeks we learn more and more of the tricks and tools to make the system work BEAUTIFULLY.