Performances start at 2pm SL time and will be held on:-
Friday 25th October
Saturday 26th October
Friday 1st November
Saturday 2nd November
Sunday 3rd November
The LM to the Theatre is given below:-
The *GOOD CAUSE* for Sleeping Beauty will be:-
The ALS Association, Washington, DC, USA, in memory of our fellow student Chloe..
Here is their website:
As always a copy of the receipt for the donation we send to them will be posted in the Studio at the end of the run of shows.
The performance lasts approximately 75 minutes.
**Please take a moment to read this… Thank you**
Lag is our biggest enemy and it can ruin a performance, thus spoiling everyone’s enjoyment.
Everyone can help reduce lag by turning off all AOs, Radars and any other scripted objects that they may be wearing, (detaching them completely ensures that the scripts are not counted as an on screen HUD still has it's scripts counted).